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Why is sometimes the target color white and sometimes orange?

I noticed that when a tank crew leaves the vehicle I cannot target the tank anymore from the Helicopter using Next Target. Why is that?

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It gets me sort of mad as well. Your gunner only targets red targets on his own, and ignores whites completely. I believe this issue first occured after the first or second patch, and I hope they fix it if possible sad.gif

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also you can´t order your gunner to fire when you receive radio messages.... very annoying when there is blabla on the radio while a shilka is attacking your heli...

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I thought the same, but as soon as I landed in my helicopter to check out the damage to the tank (which was targeted as white) the tanks started firing at me and killed me.....

Therefore there was somebody inside that Tank!

I have a few Triggers that send a message as soon as somebody leaves the tank.

(count crew myEnemyTank != 3)

to detect if somebody left the tank, but sometimes I get the white target before they even start getting out of the tank!!


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Yeah i noticed that you have to wait for other radio to finish before you can tell your gunner to shoot.....

I have alot of trouble targeting tanks in 1.30 and then making them file... Somtimes i have to say "Fire" then "Cease Fire" then make my gunner RETARGET then i have to say "Fire" again to get him to shoot.

It's getting too anoying so i use manual fire.

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This came in in 1.29 as I remember. The trigger is apparently movement. A moving vehicle is a target, a stationary one isn't. Slightly more realistic if the aircraft are fitted with Ground Moving Target radar but a d*amn pain on some missions.

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