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crash when saving

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OFP crashes every time i want to save... it even happens sometimes when i reach a "save point"

any idea ? BTW, i dit not install OFP in the ol'good Program Files folder.


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my OFP is updated with the 1.3 patch

i run Win98 SE, 256Mb, PIII 500, ABIT BE6II

installed on a IBM latest 40Go disk (GX..something)

Video board is a Leadtek GF3 Ti 200

DX8 installed

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how much HD space, and how much is free?

Did this happen before 1.30?

have you played any Campain missions from 1.1/1.2x in 1.30 it may have conflicted and you'll have to delete those missions manually in the not sure what the folder is as I'm not at home, some one will post what it is

(Edited by RN Malboeuf at 12:34 pm on Nov. 19, 2001)

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HD space is about 20Go :-) hope it's enough

I started my campaign in 1.20 and continue in 1.30

but the current mission (alone in the hood) was started after 1.30 upgrade

i also had such crashes with the 1.20 version, thought 1.30 would solve the problem :-( 'cause that makes the missions more difficult to complete

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You need to increase the size of your swap file to be at least twice the amount of RAM you have. For example, if you have 256 megs of RAM, the swap file should be at least 512 mb. This means that you need to use a fixed-size swap file. I won't explain this, so you'll have to ask a friend if you don't know how to do.

I've had the same problem myself, and the OFP FAQ says that saving requires large amounts of memory.

Happy gaming!

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Thanks for your tip

hope this will help me completing my mission


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I guess you mean Emmanuelle...(female of Emmanuel)

i do aswell ;-)

unfortunately, never got a coin even with my name on the screen ... god, where is my lawyer

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regarless of memory your swap file can be set at 0 min and 1000 max

also you may have a 20 gig HD but how much is left on it

also you will have to SCRAP all your  camapain missions

they should not even work and should have forced you to retart the campain

(Edited by RN Malboeuf at 1:56 pm on Nov. 19, 2001)

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I meant 20 Go space left, sorry

why do you say i'll have to scrap the missions ?? i have to start it all over ??!! what the ####...

Do you mean 1.30 install means to restart from the beginning confused.gif

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Generally NOT!

Of course you don't have to restart all over. I had the same problem, too and it is related to the SWAP file. It happened to me when I had less than 600MB left on my disk. Maybe you could try and increase the Virtual Memory? (Try F1-button for help to do this) Well, it seems like a memory problem anyway.


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<a href="http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard/topic.cgi?forum=11&topic=9

the" target="_blank">http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....9

the</a> new version has different weapons, it modifies serveral missions and it should by its self erase the campaine mission, they are no longer compatible

(Edited by RN Malboeuf at 2:09 pm on Nov. 19, 2001)

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It rocks and roll...

the swap memory set to 800Mb is enough for me... so far.

Thanks for your help


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