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"HomeLANu released new interview about Resistance with Marek Španěl. It's worth to read!

HomeLAN - What new weapons will be put into OpFlash: Resistance?

Marek Spanel - We believe the variety of weapons in OpFlash was pretty extensive and fans of the game are already able to do many different weapon modifications. We want to introduce a completely new weapon class to the game that will really improve the realism and gameplay.

HomeLAN - What new vehicles will be featured in the expansion pack?

Marek Spanel - We decided not to focus on introducing lots of vehicles that are similar to the ones in the original game. We believe that fans of the game are already creating many vehicles based on these classes. Again, we’re trying to introduce some new vehicle classes, like motorbikes, that will extend the variety of vehicles in OpFlash.

HomeLAN - The graphics in the expansion pack are said to be an improvement over the original game. What graphical enhancements will be a part of the expansion?

Marek Spanel - Many of the models are more detailed with higher resolution textures, especially on tress and foliage. All artwork on the new island shows improved detailed from the islands in the original game. Also the core graphics engine will have some more capabilities.

HomeLAN - Will the original game be patched to reflect the graphic improvements in OpFlash: Resistance?

Marek Spanel - Yes and no. We are not going to rework all existing graphics data of the original game because it would take years of work. But Resistance will introduce some engine improvements to OpFlash in general that will enhance the existing islands. To be more specific and name some of the new engine features, the terrain will be interpolated to a smoother shape.

HomeLAN - What other new gameplay elements do you consider to be important and/or unique in the expansion?

Marek Spanel - The ability to drop your weapon or to put it into car or ammo crate is definitely very important and is an example of the kind of additions to the gameplay we are making. Another important improvement is completely reworked and simplified interface in MP game lobby screens.

...Marek Spanel - ...We’re going to start the MP Test of the new Resistance netcode soon, and every owner of Operation Flashpoint can join in with the testing. We believe the best results come from wide testing across the Internet.

...Marek Spanel - Resistance is planned for release on June 21st. ...

...Ad demo: Marek Spanel - Yes, but there are no details available at the moment about the exact timing.

...Marek Spanel - ...in the future we’re going to give more support to 3rd party development teams and help them create completely new models and units for the game."

I got this from Operation Flashpoint CZ. What do you think?

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (GulfWar @ April 16 2002,14:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I got this from Operation Flashpoint CZ.  What do you think?<span id='postcolor'>

I think it was posted here already days ago. tounge.gif

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