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How to check UH-1Y ammo

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Working on a mission where I need to check the ammo of the different weapons on a Huey.

The first gunner is fine, I use '_unit ammo "M134"' to check that gun. But the FFAR launcher and the other gun return 0 no matter what I do. I have also tried checking the ammotype and magazine types, all but "M134" return 0.

What am i doing wrong?

My debug code;

hint format ["Remaining: %1 rounds for gunner #1 in %2",_unit ammo "M134",_unit];
sleep 2;
hint format ["Remaining: %1 rounds for gunner #2 in %2", _unit ammo "M134_2",_unit];
sleep 2;
hint format ["Remaining: %1 rockets for %2",_unit  ammo "FFARLauncher_14",_unit];
sleep 2;

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In version 1.02 this command returns only weapons defined for the primary turret of the vehicle. for ex. only ["D81", "PKT"] for t72, not ["D81", "PKT","DSHKM"]

The problem you have is that you only see the main turret which in this case is the weapon of the guy behind the co-pilot.


You could however use an attack helicopter such as the AH64, if you check the weapons command on it you will then see an array such as ["M230","FFARLauncher","HellfireLauncher"] aka. its all listed and you can check its ammo.

Edited by Joshii

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