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ARMA 2 PUG (Pick-up Game) Group

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Do you have a small group of friends you ALWAYS play Arma 2 with? Do you find it difficult to fill those extra slots in those CO-8 or even CO-6 missions? Well... have no fear because there exists a solution to that problem!

I play ARMA with about 2-3 really good friends, often we are stuck playing with the A.I. or simply having the A.I. disabled and suffering the losses. It's hard to coordinate ARMA games with lots of people due to time constraints and other issues such as keeping certain mods up to date. I'm assuming there are plenty of other people out there who have this issue to.

Sure you could join a Squad, but sometimes life is too busy to keep up with that sorta commitment. So I created the ARMA 2 PUG Group on Steam.


ARMA 2 PUG (A2PUG) is a place for players to join in on COOP and scheduled COOP events.

This sorta thing is new to the ARMA community. Because of the complexity of ARMA and the lack of JIP campaigns it's often hard to get in a mission with a bunch of friends or organize a populated COOP mission. A2PUG will allow members to schedule events (when scheduling events be sure to include links to the campaign to be played, mods needed, islands needed, voice servers being used, server name, server password etc.) and others will be able to see these events publically.

A2PUG is NOT a Squad... it's simply a bunch of ARMA 2 fans/gamers who want to join in on quick matches. Being a part of the group means no commitment - you don't need special priviledges to start an event, you don't need to go through "special" training... just start an event and go!


Currently A2PUG takes advantage of the Steam platform, but if you don't have steam don't worry! You can still view the group and events by heading to the steam community profile: Arma 2 PUG Steam Community

Steam is a free platform used to purchase and play video games. It also serves as a social networking utility for those who wish to stay in contact with other gamers.


The group is invite only - you don't need to JOIN the group to view the events. If you wish to be invited to the group feel free to email me at wgmcmahon@gmail.com

Once a member of the group you can add your own events to the calendar.

The following outlines how to post an event to the A2PUG Group. Only members of the group can publish events, however, because of this feature members of the group can also delete other peoples events. We are going to have to work on a system of trust - if this doesn't work out then this permission set will be removed. Basically don't invite people to the group you don't trust.

  1. Click Schedule an event on the right side
  2. Choose an event name. The name should be the name of the campaign. I.E. Cipher Co-10
  3. Choose Event Type as Play a Game
  4. Choose the Game as Arma 2
  5. Set the name of the Server to be used. Most events are hosted on local machines by the event coordinator. If you cannot host a server for whatever reason please put N/A and note that you are looking for a participant to host a server
  6. Set the server password (if there is one)
  7. In the Description include the following: Mods to be used (this includes things such as ACE, ACEX, islands, and other required mods), campaign link (a link to download the campaign/mission), maximum amount of players allowed (I.E. Coop 10), Voice server to be used (if you have a teamspeak list it here, if you want to use skype list your skype username, or if you just want to use ingame voice that's fine too), anything else you can think to include.
  8. Set the start time of the event

Please note that officers of the group may edit your event to include material not stated above. Members of the group can also post questions in the comments or post that they will be attending. Most events are "First come first serve" but the event poster can also include an attendance list in the post if he/she wants to be more specific.

Hope you guys think this is a great idea and decide to join up. I'll be posting some events soon to try this new concept out. Hope to see you on the battlefield!

Edited by cvirtuoso

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Had some questions I wanted to address that people have been asking me:

- A2PUG is for events BIG and SMALL. Doesn't matter if you want to play a simple Co-8 game or a large 40man domination. Schedule the event anyway and hopefully we can get the game filled.

- A2PUG is not a replacement for your current Squad or Group. It is exactly as it sounds... a Pick Up Group. If you are already part of a small Squad that has coop events feel free to post your existing events on A2PUG. In fact if you have your own forum and post events there you can simply link to the forum post (granted it has all the required information) on the A2PUG event posting. This should be sufficient information - then hopefully the A2PUG group can help you fill those unfilled slots.

- A2PUG is made up of mature members. Since the group is invite only I screen every member before adding them to the group (I check their involvement on the B.I. forums, ask them to tell me about themselves). If any of the members of the group act up or post a "fake" event or do something else idiotic I will not hesitate to kick them from the group. However since the event postings are public I cannot vouch for the people who are NOT part of the group. Anyone can view event postings so if you have any secret passwords I would suggest not adding it to the event.

- Joining A2PUG does not mean you have to join EVERY event... you don't even need to join ANY event. A2PUG is a no-commitment group, we ask nothing of you except to maintain a positive and mature attitude.

- Once you get into A2PUG don't be shy... post any event or game you have planned in the future or near future. I would love to join any and your friends in a game big or small and I'm sure the other members/viewers of A2PUG feel the same.

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