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I need help to be able to get a map that is already made, i need to get it into the mission editor to remove certian things, can anybody help me?



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If the map is in a .pbo file you can simply extract it (with cpbo for example) and put it in in your documents/arma 2/mission/missionname folder.

Anyway it's been said lot and lot of times before, so please search before post new threads (not to talk about the thread title).

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Sorry to have posted again i am new to the forums, I will remove this thread so it is not wasting space

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I don't think we mere mortals can remove threads Miggy1991... not to worry though... if you're done here a Mod will close it and it'll sink without trace...

Don't be afraid to ask questions though - thats what these forums are for....

Just try to take a bit of time to decide precisely what it is you want to know - do a bit of searching to make sure it hasn't been asked - and answered - before... if not, then pick what seems to be the most relevant section (missions questions in mission editing, Island and terrain questions here, etc), and ask away... its very likely someone will help you with your problem...


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