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Popup Target Reset Script

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I am using one of Doolittles example scripts but its not working correctly, I took varouis targets and put them in building and on roofs using

this setPos [ getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, (getPos this select 2) +2.6]; doopopup = doopopup + [this]

I tried to see if the first code messed up the 2nd which is the popup coding, only part of it. But it did not. So The only different from it working to not working is it is technically in or on a building. The problem is they fall and stay down which I want but when you try to reset them with the flag they do not reset

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This just adds the target into an array, an additional script has to be running.

If you didn't forget to include it please post it here so I we can have a look.

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Ok yes there are several files Ill post them all here


_this addeventhandler ["hit", "if (_this select 0 animationphase ""terc"" == 0) then {_this select 0 spawn {_this animate [""terc"", 1]; sleep 5; _this animate [""terc"", 0]}}"];


_x animate ["terc", 0];
} foreach doopopup;
hint "Targets reset";

init.sqf This is also combined with the init.sfq for Doolittles Skeet script

enablesaving [false, false];

nopop = true;

if not isserver exitwith {};

launchskeet = false;
[] spawn {
while {true} do {
	waituntil {launchskeet};
	launchskeet = false;
	[] spawn {
		private ["_v", "_vel", "_i"];
		_v = "SkeetDisk" createvehicle getpos skeetmachine;
		_v setpos (skeetmachine modeltoworld [0, -0.6]);
		_v setvelocity [-9 * sin getdir skeetmachine, -9 * cos getdir skeetmachine, 10 + random 2];
		sleep 1;
		_vel = velocity _v;
		_i = 0;
		while {getpos _v select 2 > 0.1 and alive _v} do {
			_v setvelocity [(_vel select 0) / (1 + (_i / 10)), (_vel select 1) / (1 + (_i / 10)), (_vel select 2) / (1 + _i)];
			_i = _i + 0.1;
			sleep 0.1;
		deletevehicle _v;

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Unless I'm missing something you aren't using the first (Popup.sqf) script at all.

Where do you execute the second script from ?

BTW, what type of targets do you use? The red ones or the simpler blue ones?

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Unless I'm missing something you aren't using the first (Popup.sqf) script at all.

Where do you execute the second script from ?

BTW, what type of targets do you use? The red ones or the simpler blue ones?

I got it to work, I had to replace all the pop up targets for some reason

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