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The "talk" sound will not just work.

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I am trying in my intromovie to connect a talksound to soldier. the name of the sound is "yawn" I have tried alott of ways and no one will work. It says Sound "yawn" can not be found or there will come no talk from him at all. Need help from someone :D

In my move script it says: (Visla is is the soldier that should talk)

showcinemaborder False;

titlecut [" ","BLACK IN",10]

_camera = "camera" camcreate [0,0,0]

_camera cameraeffect ["internal", "back"]

;=== 21:02:28

_camera camPrepareTarget [99263.68,-27507.52,-25822.07]

_camera camPreparePos [10978.65,11702.53,6.47]

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700

_camera camCommitPrepared 0

@camCommitted _camera


;=== 21:34:43

_camera camPrepareTarget visla

_camera camPreparePos [10969.04,11717.51,1.04]

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.700

_camera camCommitPrepared 0

@camCommitted _camera


visla say "yawn";



player cameraeffect ["terminate",""back"]

camdestroy _camera



And in My description file it says:




class CfgIdentities


class Lukin


name = "Dimitri Lukin";

face = "face21";

glasses = "none";

speaker = "male3";

pitch = 1.00;


class badofficer


name = "Boris Kornikov";

face = "face56";

glasses = "none";

speaker = "male2";

pitch = 1.50;






class CfgSounds


sounds[]= {yawn};

class yawn


name = "yawn";

sound[] = {\sounds\yawn.ogg, db+10, 1.0};

titles[] = {};



// ===

I found out the problem my self, one letter that was misstyped. So think on that everybody! =D

Edited by Bushidozeb

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