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Change size of Helicopter Rotor

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New question in post nine


Hey when I change the size of any helicopters rotor blades, ingame they still seem to rotate along their original size. SO if I made them smaller, the whole rotor spins around the outer edges of the now-invisible original rotor.

How is the rotor-size defined in o2? Or in the config?

Edited by Spender

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Ok I uploaded some screenshots to explain my problem:

Here is my twin-rotor project, with its rotors spinning around like shit:


Here in O2. As an aexample my right rotor, I created it from scratch, marked it, and called it "mala vrtule". But it still rotates within a much to large radius.


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Did you change the memory lod ?

Problem solved -_-

I just made the memory lod smaller and realigned it. But for some reason it only worked after I build it again from scratch.


Edited by Spender

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Have you tried copy pasting from old p3d to new?


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Have you tried copy pasting from old p3d to new?


Hm? It works now. Problem solved :confused:

I know on the screen the blades seem to be unmoving, but thats because Im not using a blur-texture.

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I was just interested if copy pasting would solve the problem, As there seem to be a problem sometimes when 02 creats models.

Nice chopper by the way.


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hello please can you let us download that helictopter and can you please make it with weapons and a second time without weapons and can you make different skins also for deserts thank you

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Damn that earthquake must have banged up you syntax pretty well


Ok new problem, the cartridges spill out in the middle of the air. I did everything as described in the tutorial, with "nabojniceestart" & "nabojniceeend". I copied them in all LODs, used them only in the Memory LOD, tried different angles...Nothing. :confused:



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