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AI not following orders properly in my missions

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I would post this in troubleshooting but it seems to only happen when i am hosting a custom mission so maybe i am doing something wrong in setting up the mission. The problem is that sometimes when I am hosting a multiplayer game and my friends are playing on my hosted server (not dedicated), i am having AI problems. The AI will often not follow the group leader even after being ordered to. Sometimes half will follow me as leader and half will start following my friend around. But when I give them a move to command they will listen, but they aren't regrouping to follow the right player. It's very frustrating to have an AI player botch a stealth mission. FYI I use the respawn "side" so we can switch to which player we need to use for a certain part of the mission, or if your player dies you can control one of the ones that is alive. Has anyone else had this issue? Is it a common bug or is it some setting I'm missing? Thanks.

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