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Making OpFor blow up buildings

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Is it possible to make an opfor soldier blow up building?

Iam making an "operation garbo" mission, wich is an Russian invasion of Sweden. And i want Spetsnaz troops to blow up powerstations and so on if they arent killed beforehand.

Is it possible to do with a trigger? I tryed but I'm no good at scripting. And the destroy waypoint seems to do no good.

Can i make them put out an satchel charge and then get away so they dont get killed?

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Mr. Murray's Guide has a sapper example in it.


Page 216 (section 6.21 - The saboteur)

This section will show how to use a default AI unit as saboteur. The unit will move to the destination point, dropping the bombs and ignite them from a safe position, resp. reached its next waypoint.

To explain how it works, a quite simple example. At first the unit needs to own the resp. bombs, so one can allocate them to the unit by using the syntax

this addMagazine "Pipebomb";

which has to be entered into the init line of the unit. In this example we’re using an East-Saboteur, which is already equipped with respective Ammunition. Now we place the unit called Enemy1 onto themap and allocate it the needed waypoints.

Now it's important to know that each waypoint needs to get the following syntax into its OnActivation line:

Enemy1 fire "pipeBombMuzzle"

The needed syntax to execute the detonation has to be entered into the last waypoint. When the unit arrives at that waypoint, the pipebombs shall get ignited.

Enemy1 action ["TOUCHOFF", Enemy1];

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