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rearm vehicle magazines

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hi all. I want to make a simple script just to refit magazines onto vehicles.

The vehicle rearm truck is only able to rearm non magazine weapons on vehicles. Magazine weapons will only have their current magazine rearmed, but will not replenish the number of magazines. Same goes for the script setvehicleammo 1

Does any one have a script that can do this? Currently I managed to refit a named vehicle entering a trigger area, by _car removeMagazines "100Rnd_127x99_M2" then ( _car addMagazine "100Rnd_127x99_M2" ) say 5 times, to fill up to the default. I attached the trigger to a rearm truck so if _car gets close its rearmed.

i want to add on to this script. lets say theres a large number of generic HMMWVs and UAZs in a mission that can be rearmed. Once one of it enters the trigger area, the script checks if its a UAZ_MG_CDF or HMMWV_M2 before giving it 50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM or 100Rnd_127x99_M2 magazines. can this be done? Must i give each of the vehicles a name to tell the script if its a UAZ or HMMV? Or is there a better way to do this rearming?

* can an admin delete this post. I shifted it to MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING instead I think this is the wrong section. Thanks*

Edited by bamboofats

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