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Helicopter seems to skip waypoints

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In the helicopter mission I am working on I try to make the helicopter follow a certain path along which I have some events happening. This is proving to be frustratingly difficult because the helicopter just won't follow the waypoints correctly.

It appears that if the waypoints are to close together (less then about a 100 meters) then the chopper just skips that waypoint and goes to the next. Anyone that can confirm/deny or explain this?

I am using placing radius 0 and behaviour careless. Speed is set to limited.

When I want a helicopter to stop, I use the timeout option that you find in waypoints. Problem is the helicopter doesn't stop exactly at the waypoint. Sometimes it stops a 100 meters before, sometimes a 100 meters after the waypoint. Again, I'm using placing radius 0. Why such horribly bad precision?

I also sometimes run in to trouble when waypoints are set far apart. The chopper refuses to travel in a straight line between waypoints, but make a wide arc. For some of the events I want the chopper to get close to the enemy unit and fly low while the player (gunner position) fires at the targets. At some places this work well, but at others not.

What is going on?

Anybody know why it is so difficult making the helicopter do as I want, or have any idea on how to get around this problem?

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Thank you. I didn't know about Mando Heliroute. Have downloaded it and are experimenting with it now.

I see it's possible to set what altitude you want the chopper to fly, but do you know if the Mando Heliroute script allows one to set the speed as well? I can't find it. As default the chopper seems to use "normal" speed. I can not figure out how to set it to "limited".

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