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Chat Channels And Direct Chat

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Alright, plane and simple my idea is that when speaking in any chat direct chat should also be in use. Due to the fact you will be talking into a mic or radio (in game) to communicate with others anyone around you would have to hear also what you are saying.

This would help when a man follows a group even if he may not be in the group he would hear group chat if the man is close enough. Also if you were near an enemy man talking in group or side you could figure out enemy plans due to it also being broad-casted in direct. This would add another great sense of realism to the game.

Sincerely, MadPro119.

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It already works like this in A1. Not sure if it does in ARMA 2, though I see no reason why it wouldn't.

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Already in the game, and actually works slightly too well. Adds a nice element to PvP games.

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