Guest Titanium Posted April 3, 2002 When I go to add a weapon, i know what the command line is. But what is the name for the weapons. such as the Carl Gustav do i put in Carl Gustov Launcher, Carl GUstov, etc... what is it exactly that i have to type in to give a person a specific it like that. I know the easy ones like the M16 and such, but are there any sites or do any of you have a document with all the names of all the weapons there are so i can add them to ppl??? Please reply if you do!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BiG_D 0 Posted April 3, 2002 i found this and this in a previous thread, hope they help Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bart.Jan 0 Posted April 3, 2002 Names of weapons and magazines can be found in Unofficial Operation Flashpoint Command Reference Manual Version 1.04 - command addweapon (download this document from second link Big_D posts) And here are names from official upgrades: weapon/magazine Kozlice/KozliceBall KozliceShell  G36a/G36amag  Steyr/SteyrMag  XMS/M4  Bizon/BizonMag  MM1/MM1magazine 6g30/6g30magazine LaserDesignator/LaserDesignator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aculaud 0 Posted April 4, 2002 this might be s little easier to read: WEST  Weapons            Ammo  HK                HK  M4                M4  M16               M16  M16GrenadeLauncher    GrenadeLauncher  M60               M60  M21               M21  LAWLauncher         LAWLauncher  CarlGustavLauncher     CarlGustavLauncher  AALauncher          AALauncher  MM1               MM1Magazine EAST   AK74SU             AK74SU  AK74               AK74  AK74GrenadeLauncher   GrenadeLauncher  AK47CZ             AK47  AK47               AK47  AK47GrenadeLauncher   GrenadeLauncher  PK                 PK  SVDDragunov         SVDDragunov  RPGLauncher          RPGLauncher  AT4Launcher          AT4Launcher  9K32Launcher         9K32Launcher  EQUIPMENT  Binocular             None  NVGoggles            None  Flare                Flare  FlareRed              FlareRed  FlareGreen            FlareGreen  FlareYellow            FlareYellow  SmokeShell            SmokeShell  SmokeShellRed         SmokeShellRed  SmokeShellGreen        SmokeShellGreen  HandGrenade          HandGrenade Satchel Charge         Pipebomb  Timebomb             Timebomb  Mine                 Mine  LaserDesignator         LaserDesignator Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Titanium Posted April 4, 2002 wow, thx guys, works like a charm Share this post Link to post Share on other sites