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[Solved] How to make OPFOR hostile to civilians?

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sorry if my question has already been asked many times, but i didn't find any recent answers.

I want that my OPFOR Units becoming hostile to civilians (like if they were BLUFOR or NAPA). I know that a coop called Juhannus did it, but i cant use unpbo under my OS. :(


edit : found! Many thanks to Cpt.Obvious

Edited by Kirbite

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I believe, in the editor, click on the data area - like with the time/date/weather thing - and it'll bring up a window where you can make civs hostile to one group, all groups, or none.

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Let's say you have units from two different factions in Independent (for example Mercs and Civilians). You are Blufor and you want to make it so that the Mercs are your enemies, but the Civilians are on your side. How would you accomplish this? Is it possible?

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I think if you place an OPFOR on the map, make his presence 0% then group him to a Merc group. I thought I saw someone explain it this way in another thread.(The newest ACE2 Beta 2 thread I believe, in regards to the ACEXPLA Mod)

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