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NOTICE!!! about 1.30!!

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Hum, found this question already asked somewhere but no solution was given at this post.

So here i go again, while using that 'LASER' thing, 1-2-3 BANG, back to desktop.

Already followed procedures like uninstall and re-install (game & 1.20 & 1.30)... and again BANG back to desktop.

Is there a solution to solve this problem, btw never had any problem before so....... .

With friendly greetings, Salvia

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ok when you uninstall OFP it leaves the addons folder just delete it and you should be fine (you might want to save the faces/winter addons if you have them other wise dont worry about them)

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Ahum been there done that, but thanks anyway.

Someone with a better solution please.

With friendly greetings, Salvia

(Edited by Salvia at 11:05 am on Nov. 20, 2001)

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This seems like a huge problem.

It hasent effected me yet.

my ofp has not crashed/stuffed up once

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Unl33t: I'm having this problem also. Did the uninstall, and deleted folder left-over folder structure. einstalled applied 1.2 patch, tested game OK. Installed 1.3 patch and still had CTD when activating laser!!

BIS: Any ideas here? Is this a new bug?

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i had done the 1.29 to 1.30 patch and the laser designator gave me an error saying it couldnt open the laser.pbo. i dumped the addons reinstalled(i have us ver) and upgraded to 1.30 and so far so good. but sometimes you may need to just totally uninstall the game(i have had to edit the registry to remove any refernce to the game i uninstalled but i only recommend that to people who have some knowledge about it) then do a fresh install and upgrade. just make sure you save your missions and user folders somewhere so you dont loose anything you created.

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My buddy kind of refuses to reinstall and because of his cable connection he is our host. My problem is that after a while online with him I can’t seem to kill anything.  I'm 56k dial-up..  And then if a session is lost I can't use the EYE or my remote IP to start up any game and have to reboot. (but I can open other web pages)  I'm sure he'll have to concede and do a complete re-install, but though I'd post to see if this has happened to anyone else. When I’m playing with this stuff happening all looks great on my end but I’m just going through the motions.

(Edited by Bucko at 6:38 pm on Nov. 20, 2001)

Added to this post because I need some answers

Just talking out load here.. Probably to my self. Just can't figure out where the problem is. Didn’t have before 130 and the complete reinstall that I did. Last thing I did to try and correct this was new video (nvita) drivers and modem drivers. Both of these helped in their own ways can play in 32 bit color and decreased my ping but 20 to 30 usually log on about 170 to 180 now goes higher after game starts.

What really is out of sight is the desync hit over 1000 ..

Whose fault is this host or the client?

(Edited by Bucko at 8:25 pm on Nov. 20, 2001)

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Ok people get this through your skulls...


I have uninstalled the game, deleted any left over folders, checked the registry for any left over settings, used Add/Remove cleaner to even make sure it was gone.

Then when i re-install using the 1.20 patch and then the 1.30 patch i STILL get the error.

Dont get me wrong, i'm not really all that pissed off at the fact that it wont work, because i dont really have any intention ot use it, it's just the fact that it is a feature that isn't working right.

And no one seems to understand, even after the 200th explaination that we ARE fully uninstalling the game!

Just to clear that up ONCE more for anyone else who might not get the point....


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Correct, we aren't all morons u see (sorry and apologizes for those who feel threathend), but like 'Drewus' says 'uninstall - clean registry - formated diskspace - re-install, applied UU1.20 and UU1.30 with reboot after every action and still BANG back to desktop while using LASER.

So again is there any solution, djee???

With friendly greetings, Salvia.

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This is a total shot in the dark:

Does it work if you manually set your Windows virtual swap file size to 256 minimum and 1024 maximum?

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again been there done that, really weird i know but 'hey' until it's not hurting my physical or psychological state i can live with it, or after re-reading this message it think it already has.

With friendly greetings, Salvia.

ps: maybe nice if someone from BIS reacts on this post, coz like u see i aint the only one dealing with this problem.

(Edited by Salvia at 1:52 pm on Nov. 21, 2001)

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This Bug (Crash to Desktop) happens not just with the SpecOp (Laser) but with the Laser Designator in the OH-58 Helicopter too. So I think it's a bug inside the code of this laser designator generally.


For Peace and Socialism!

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If you set your Swap File to different sizes...you are not making a difference between that and letting Windows manage your swapfile. Windows still has to take up memory and MHz to decide what size to make the file. Best ting to do is make your min and max the same sixe....usually 4-5x your RAM is sufficient.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This Bug (Crash to Desktop) happens not just with the SpecOp (Laser) but with the Laser Designator in the OH-58 Helicopter too. So I think it's a bug inside the code of this laser designator generally.<span id='postcolor'>

I experience exactly the same occurance...

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Euhm well ok, everybody now has had his chat about this issue, now lets go for some good answers and solutions?confused.gif?


With friendly greetings, Salvia.

(Edited by Salvia at 12:43 pm on Nov. 22, 2001)

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i have the same problem, with the freezing and all. First when i installed 1.30 from 1.29 it didnt freezup at all but i didnt know how to use it and i couldnt see bombs or hellfires so i reinstalled EVERYTHING and now it freezes up.

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Just to remind this problem is still effecting some people!

With friendly greetings, Salvia.

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