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how do you get soldiers to do the first aid stuff they do in the campain like carry wounded comrades or drag them? i do not know how to put that into my missions in the map editior.

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Press F7 in the editor and place the game module on the map called "Alternative Injury System" I think. Or perhaps its called "First Aid Simulation".

Then press F5 and synchronize this module with each unit that should be able to use this feature.

Detailed description here: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/First_Aid

Be adviced, these modules can act strangely in Multiplayer, regarding respawning and stuff.

The module "Battlefield Clearance" is responsible for dragging and carrying wounded units.

Edit: You really should give the search function a try next time, this topic was asked very very often so far, and is even listed in the sticky "Frequently Asked Questions". Search is your friend.

Edited by Bon

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