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LOD problem with attachto

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Hi, I have a Russian tank and have attached various units on top of it. The problem is if I make one of them the player, the LOD during driving etc or between switching to 3rd/1st person is quite shocking as nearby attached units on the tank will use a far away distant lod and not switch back to a close higher poly lod.

Has anyone encountered this? Any suggestions?

I've looked at some of the attachto topics but they don't mention anything about the LOD probs.

Also I am noticing on the map that these friendly units do not update their position on the map. Ie: A unit attached to a moving tank may appear as a dot on the map at the original position. I am almost wondering whether that is partially the problem.

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hmmm seems it happens less to units created locally through a script rather than units that are placed inside the editor. Thats pretty strange. I am now considering how and whether to make the player a spawned local unit. Just wondering how to go about that. If I don't do it then the players LOD switches to far away low poly. It seems the engine registers the models as being at their original starting location. It does this less with the locally spawned units that are attached to an object.

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what happens when you setpos an attached object? Maybe you could setpos the units to the tank every few seconds?

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From my initial experiments that may not be nessicary. Having units spawned locally and attached to the tank seems to work alot better than units placed within the editor. Its just annoying if I want to attach the player, and if I setpos the player every few seconds to avoid his LOD dropping to 50 polygons it will reset and jerk the players view to stare straight ahead every few seconds.

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Tried setpos-ing the player into position and that seems to work. While the AI I have made locally spawned units attached to the tank. That combination works.

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