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SQS loops and ifstatements not working

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My problem is basic i wanted to make my own "airlift" sequence, but outraged by the inaccuracy of "doMove" [Jeeps would teleport to choppers who where not stopping at the right location] i decided to make my own script.

First a bug or what? if i use FlyinHeight, it seems to work fine for numbers < 10, i can put 9.9 and its fine, but if i put 10 in then the helicopter goes to about 25 meters not 10! wtf.

Anyway carrying on my script atm is a SQS i would like to make it SQF but if i put execVM "..." into a "On Act.:" it comes up with an error "Type script expected nothing". Am i doing this wrong or cant i launch SQF from waypoint onAct?

so anyway carrying on here is the script that should work:

private ["_target", "_angle", "_distance", "_speed", "_defineSpeed", "_check"];

_defineSpeed = 10;

heli flyInHeight 9.99;
_target = [(position lan select 0)-(position heli select 0),(position lan select 1)-(position heli select 1)] ;

_angle = (_target select 0) atan2 (_target select 1);  //Get theta-angle
_distance = sqrt(((_target select 0)^2) + ((_target select 1)^2));
_speed = ((_target select 1) / (_target select 0))*_defineSpeed;  //Get the gradient

Heli setDir _angle;  //Face target the correct direction
Heli setVelocity [defineSpeed, _speed, 0];  //Set correct speed

;//@( (Heli distance lan) < 5);  //wait till they are within ~5m

player sidechat str(Heli distance lan);

while {_check == 0} do {
if((Heli distance lan) < 5) then {
	Heli setVelocity [0, 0, 0];  //Stop helicopter
	lan attachto [heli, [0,0,-7.5]];

Let me explain this a little, "Heli" is the helicopter to pickup the jeep "lan".

[if someone can tell me how to pass parameters to a script that would be great [i.e. make it a function e.g. airlift(Heli,lan); - would airlift lan with Heli]]

Now its the waiting till the helicopter reaches the target is the problem:

waitUntill {(heli distance lan )< 5} doesent work

@( (Heli distance lan) < 5); doesent work

Ive even tried putting in that horrible inefficient loop [ive tried several variations and code for SQS and SQF] but it never seems to work, it ignores both the while and if statement.

Any ideas guys? cheers.


[yes i know i dont check the quadrants on the angle-theta but ill add it in later]

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Got it working in the end.

since the video i have tweaked the heli incoming speed and the distance the objects attach to the heli making it abit smoother.

Edited by Muzzwezz

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