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Is this really how the game ends? *Major spoilers*

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Near the end my tasks were to capture the chedaki base and russion base. While I'm busy helping to capture some of the towns I get a message saying I failed to capture the chedaki base and the missions ends. However I proceed to new mission where I have to reach a rundown church and call for extraction. The the way I encounter a sniper and a small squad. I take care of them and proceed to the church. Once I get there it goes to a cut scene where I get ambushed by the guy in that blue jumpsuit. It's a standoff and my team goes down fighting, atleast that's what it looked like before the screen blacks out and says The End. I doubt that's suppose the true ending to the game. I'm assuming if I succeed in capturing the 2 enemy bases the story will turn out differently?

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. I'm assuming if I succeed in capturing the 2 enemy bases the story will turn out differently?

yes that is a correct.

or you don't have to destroy the Russian base.

you just have to destroy the chedaki base as well as capture

Lopotev (the dude in the blue jumpsuit).

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Thats just one possible ending.

Play the campaign again and you will get a different ending if you do things differently. (ie capture Lopotev)

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