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commander jao

Noob questions

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i downloaded land tex and the a ARMA 2 launcher can't remember which.

and the Land Tex isn't their when you go to make a new scenario. similar the FLIR script i downloaded doesn't show?

probably very simple question with equally simple answers.

if you could tell me or direct me to the answer it would be much appericated....

you know what i mean right

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mod folders;

lets say here is your game path; C:\Program Files\Bohemia Interactive\ArmA 2

Now inside the ArmA 2 folder, lets say your mod is called "JTD" your mod folder should look like this; @JTD then inside that folder should be another folder called Addons, place the JTD mod addons inside there. (and if there is a "KEY" addon file it goes inside the KEYS folder :)

Now use the A2 launcher, it will detect the new mod folder automatically. Best tool, makes it all very sexii :yay:

For further info check the FAQ page


edit; how do i set the link over the word "FAQ"??

Edited by viibez

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