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Official editor upgrade for mp maps ect

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I have seen the unofficial Editor upgrade and it only works if everyone d/l's it for MP.

I would like to see some kind of official upgrade in the next patch for the editor. Their is alot of things we could do and make for MP maps on are server if we could have this kind of upgrade that way people wouldn't have to download just to play on servers that run this addon.

I know it's a pain in the butt to open and change the mission SQM file for buildings ect.

Just something to look at in the future B.I.S.

I know if the editor had everything the game offers in it their would be some new and cool maps being made now.

And it would give OFP a new look until the new Game comes out.

Also i have tryed to add tree's grass in maps for the desert island. Has anyone been able to do that yet ? lol i get that nice error message and crash.


FragHaus Rage_Frost

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Also i have tryed to add tree's grass in maps for the desert island. Has anyone been able to do that yet ? lol i get that nice error message and crash.

<span id='postcolor'>

Well im not sure, but i think that there is one program (don't remember the name) with which u can add the terrain, trees, houses and stuff.

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> Their is alot of things we could do and make for MP maps on are server if we could have this kind of upgrade that way people wouldn't have to download just to play on servers that run this addon.

<span id='postcolor'> I know if the editor had everything the game offers in it their would be some new and cool maps being made now.

<span id='postcolor'>

What else do u want in the editor? It's great and u can do almost anything that game features. Later wink.gif

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their are two programs that are unofficial addons one by Kegetys which clames you can use it and noone else needs the addons. which is false cause everyone well need his addon for the editor to play maps made with it.

And second Gunslinger's Unofficial, unsupported editor addon

which everyone would have to download too to play maps on any server that has a map that uses it.

What i'm talking about is objects thats on the islands but not in the editor.

example Houses "church, towers, fuel stations, ect ect," Walls, Roads, Runways, Street lamps, all Castle's , all the diffrent Forest, RussianbGeneral Guba, Secretary Angelina, all the Bush's "plant life", Grass, Tree's, all Road Sing's, all Rock's,

All equiment in the houses stove tv couch ect ect,

And everything else the game has that I didnt think of in 2 sec's.

Now i know you can open the mission SQM file and place houses in but their are still ones that aren't their. Plus their is no way to add roads, runways unless you know their name and i've tried and have yet to find it same with over half of the stuff on all the islands.

All i'm saying is if the game has it or island How hard would it be to add it to the editor in an official upgrade. i know it would be alot of work off of map makers back if they could do this. instead of opening the sqm every 5 mins and adding it your self. and hoping it looks right so you dont have to open it again and again.

Plus if it is official everyone wouldn't have to download an unofficial addon just to play maps on an official island becuase the map maker used one of the two unofficial addon editor upgrade packs.

Even knowing the island all ready has this stuff on it.

It doesn't make sence to me at all if an island has trees roads and all other stuff why wasn't it added to the editor?

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Hey Rage, one of my guys says this works. I havnt tried it yet. Last time I tried to make grass I was putting it in unit by unit lol.

_x1 = getpos(player) select 0

_y1 = getpos(player) select 1

_maxradius =60




goto "r"


_radius = _radius + 1


_winkel = _winkel + (random (15))+_pr

_x=_x1 + sin(_winkel)*_radius

_y=_y1 + cos(_winkel)*_radius


_k=_k - (_k mod 1)


?(_k==0):_a= "TCBlauGras" camcreate [_x,_y,.4]

?(_k==1):_a= "TCBlauGras" camcreate [_x,_y,.4]

?(_k==2):_a= "TCBlauGras" camcreate [_x,_y,.4]

?(_k==3):_a= "TCUnkraut2" camcreate [_x,_y,.4]

?(_k==4):_a= "TCHasenGras" camcreate [_x,_y,.3]

?(_k==5):_a= "TCHasenGras" camcreate [_x,_y,.3]

[_a,_k] exec "return.sqs"


?(_winkel < 360):goto "w"

?(_pr>1):_pr =_pr +.1

_w=random 355

_x=_x1 + sin(_w)*_radius

_y=_y1 + cos(_w)*_radius


_winkel = -10

?(_radius<_maxradius):goto "r"

hint "ende"



goto "do"


_a =_this select 0



?((player distance _a) <60 )or ((player distance _a) >1000) : goto "do"

;hint format ["x %1 y%2", player distance _a, getpos player select 1]


?(getpos player select 0) < (getpos _a select 0):_x =(getpos player select 0)-(-2+ (getpos _a select 0)-(getpos player select 0))

?(getpos player select 0) > (getpos _a select 0):_x =(getpos player select 0)+(-2+ (getpos player select 0)-(getpos _a select 0))

?(getpos player select 1) < (getpos _a select 1):_y =(getpos player select 1)-(-2+(getpos _a select 1)-(getpos player select 1))

?(getpos player select 1) > (getpos _a select 1):_y =(getpos player select 1)+(-2+(getpos player select 1)-(getpos _a select 1))

;_w = tan ((getpos player select 0) + (getpos _a select 0)/(getpos player select 1) + (getpos _a select 1))

;_x= getpos player select 0 + (sin (_w - 180) * 40)

;_y= getpos player select 1 + (cos (_w - 180) * 40)

deletevehicle _a

_k= _this select 1

?(_k==0):_b= "TCBlauGras" camcreate [_x,_y,.4]

?(_k==1):_b= "TCBlauGras" camcreate [_x,_y,.4]

?(_k==2):_b= "TCBlauGras" camcreate [_x,_y,.4]

?(_k==3):_b= "TCUnkraut2" camcreate [_x,_y,.4]

?(_k==4):_b= "TCHasenGras" camcreate [_x,_y,.3]

?(_k==5):_b= "TCHasenGras" camcreate [_x,_y,.3]


[_b,_k] exec "return.sqs"


Name the first one gras.sqs and the second one return.sqs

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Looks at that and says hmm.

Ok I well try that now about trees lol and the rest of stuff lmao.

thats alot of scripting to add something the game already has but hey thanks maybe someday they can just add the stuff that's already in the game to the editor and make all of us map makers job alittle bit more simple.

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Yeah man I really dont know scripting for shit. But I was told this is a script to make grass on a map, so you dont have to place it in unit by unit in the editor.

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