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Completing "dismissed" waypoint

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I am wondering if there is any other way to complete the 'Dismissed' waypoint than contact with the enemy?

I am creating a reaction force, and would like to have them casual and dispersed when the alarm goes off. The alarm can be triggered by other patrols. I have tried 'reveal' but that doesn't do anything.

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A switch-type trigger synced to the "Dismissed"-waypoint should do it. At least you can complete several other waypointtypes using one.

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Already tried that. No go.

Or rather, the trigger will then send the leader of the group to the next waypoint, but the rest of the group stay behind. If I shoot any member of the group, they gather up and attack me, like they should.

I am trying to achieve the same without having the actual group getting aware of the enemy, but via a trigger.

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