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Heli aborts landing

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I have an AI squad (heli pilot) trying to insert another AI squad (infantry) at a certain point. Depending on how the player goes about the mission, it's rare but possible that the heli comes under fire during insertion, which makes the AI abort the landing and continue to its next waypoint. At first it was annoying but I figured it was more of a feature than a bug.

Problem is though, the heli ignores any further attempt to land, its as though all the cargo was unassigned from the vehicle on the first try. {this land "LAND"} on an unload or tpunload waypoint brings it down temporarily, but not long enough for everyone to disembark.

What I'm looking for is a way to override the behavior of evading fire, or to allow for a second landing.


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Yeh, cheers, for some reason I didn't even consider using careless, always thinking of the more complicated solution first. Is there any way to force the the vehicle lights off though? It's a night mission and the careless behavior puts a big "shoot me" sign in the sky.

edit: it still seems to sometimes behave evasively, even with its behavior as careless, having some very mixed results. I think I'm just gonna have to move the whole insertion point back to reduce the chances.

Edited by bhaz

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It seems to be aborting the landing 100% of the time when shot at with small arms, no matter the behavior, also tried allowFleeing 0 and disableAI target and autotarget.

I think ima just settle with a truck, all seems to be so much hassle for such a simple mission.

Solved: used setCaptive on the heli, not exactly the ideal solution, but it works.

Edited by bhaz

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