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Jester OC

FADE Question

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This may seem weird I think I'm going to try to answer my own question using logic.

Despite Malboeuf's simple view of the situation (which is a strict interpretation of Copywrite law). I think that the way in which the developers created their multiplayer scheme, may hold the final answer to this question.

Unlike many other titles, OF does not have a master server that regulates CD key interactions. Thus they MUST implement their CD key security system clientside on the every game, not just internet games.

Other titles that rely on Master servers, often allow players on LAN's to play their game without checking the CD key for many of the reasons I stated earlier. They allow and encourage this behavior to let fans have fun on LAN's to encourage more purchases. As I said I work in the game development field and these talks go on all the time, it is a constant struggle to balance ease of use with piracy protection.

That said I guess I can not fault the developers in their choice of protection. Without a master server infrastructure it would be too simple to spoof the CD key system without something as sophisticated as FADE.

So what does this all mean, well I still want a direct answer because I feel that the public deserves a direct answer. Also I guess I would like a new question answered, considering how uninstalling and re-installing does not seem to help, is it worth it for me to purchase another copy, or would it fail.

Thanks again for everyone's input.

Jester OC

(Edited by Jester OC at 6:01 am on Nov. 26, 2001)

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yup, i really do like the game it just hurted me feelings that it won'tlet me play. and yes i wonder now is it really toasted and two copies might be futile

cya O<-<

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asking a question that you all ready know the answer to is in no way going to help you find a loop hole

asking BIS if it's ok that you use use CD on two machines is moronic

Saying that just because BIS released a Stand Alone with no CD needed will allow you to run more copies is also moronic

The Ded server does not have any one playing and in it's self is free ware as long as you own a legit copy of OFP

it's used as a tool to allow better game play

it's not used as a tool to allow loop holes against copy right laws

any one trying to find a valid exuse no matter what reason will not change the law, give it up

Ignorace is not an excuse

(Edited by RN Malboeuf at 12:24 pm on Nov. 26, 2001)

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I still do not know the answer.  I simply am trying to deduce the limitations of the games architecture.  Asking BIS  if their game works like many other games on the market is not moronic, it is a valid honest question.  After I wrote the original statement, I reflected on the games design and deduced that it may have limitations  that prevent the use of CD Keys in the way that others in the industry are currently practicing.  Rather than keep that to myself, I offered it up to the people here that are also looking for the same answer.

I'm not looking for loop holes, I am looking for solutions to a stated problem.  Your constant assumptions of some sort of guilt is uncalled for.  Like I and many other people have stated, many games with the same copy write wording on their packages allow and encourage the installation of their game on multiple machines.  Does this mean that those companies are actively encouraging people to break the law? And therefore should be prosecuted? If so the makers of Total Annihilation, and Rouge Spear should all be jailed. Both had representatives explain on their forums that it is OK for consumers to use their game on multiple machines as long as they had a CD to start them up.

Jester OC

(Edited by Jester OC at 11:36 pm on Nov. 26, 2001)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Jester OC on 11:58 pm on Nov. 23, 2001

I am using my Original version of the Game to start 2 games on two machines to play a LAN game from within my house.  After playing a mission a few times, one player's game crashed and when he returned we got saw the message "Original Games Do not FADE." Please let us know if what we are doing is considered wrong.

I read a lot of posts here and no where does a developer mention that this practice (using one CD to start multiple games) is wrong.  Please answer me.


<span id='postcolor'>

what you are doing Wrong is that you are only allowed ONE working installation per CD

you have installed your CD onto two computers, which is by the agreement statment you klicked OK to says that you only have the right for 1 install on 1 machine at any time

why do you need to ask some thing that is RIGHT on the box, right on the Copy statement

you have your answer all along, and it's is Official

why don't you get it, BIS wont bother with a idiotic questions as to WHY must I have Fade!


(Edited by RN Malboeuf at 6:27 pm on Nov. 26, 2001)

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You know, you remind me of Javert from Les Miserables. You believe in your convictions so strongly that your quest for what is just and right leaves no room for interpretation.

With that, I'll leave this discussion.

Jester OC

(Edited by Jester OC at 1:10 am on Nov. 27, 2001)

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