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ArmA Gold Edition undisclosed key problem

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Okay, I bought ArmA Gold edition from GameStop about a year ago. Well recently, I moved from Hawaii to Arizona, and left my ArmA gold disc there, but not my booklet (containing my cd key).

Point being: I am having a hard time because my friend has a direct 2 drive with both ArmA: Combat Operations & Queen's gambit, but I don't think my CD key from ArmA Gold Edition will work. Since both standalones have their own key.

So what is a guy to do?

I don't want to torrent because I want all my game files to be high quality, and I don't want to run into problems with redestributed program when I've already bought the distributed vers.

Is there anyway with the manufacturer or customer-support - where I can atleast download vanilla game files, and simply use my own key?

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You will need to contact Atari or Gamestop and ask for a replacement CD. Barring that, ArmA:Gold is very cheap now, so it may be worth the money to simply buy another copy.

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