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Can you have more than 12 squad members in OFP?

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The boards there are dead. Im playing OFP again with the T-virus mod for a little zombie fix but im trying to get more squad members but theres that limit. Was this ever modded?

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We're still all alive here, but no, it's not possible, apart from using some heavy scripting, I think.

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I haven't tried it in a long time and can't remember if I used mods to do it or something, but I used to setup missions and have another squad join my squad through waypoints to make a larger squad... but as I said, i can't remember if I needed a mod or some scripting to do it.

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The boards there are dead. Im playing OFP again with the T-virus mod for a little zombie fix but im trying to get more squad members but theres that limit. Was this ever modded?

This board is far from being dead, but your question is far from being clear. You cannot have more than 12 members in your squad, but there are a lot of ways to control more than one squad.

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Ok, yea i took a glance at the dates and saw they were either weeks to a couple days old. I figured i would get a quicker answer on Arma 2 board

But the point of me wanting more than 12 is because all the zombie mod zombies only attack the people in your squad. So that means the most they can attack is 12 people. I would like to add civilians and other personel but the 12 limit is well too small.

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As far as I know, you can specify multiple groups as the zombies' targets. How are the zombies executed in the T-Virus mod? Does it need any lines of scripting? It would be useful to know, so we can help you out with that. :)

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I think you can find the answer for that in the thread linked below. Try it out, as suggested there:


Since this turned out to be more of an addOn discussion thread, rather than a general OFP matter, I shall move this thread to the Addons & Mods: Discussion section.

Edited by Rellikki

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