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assignascargo ai won't get out? (MP only)

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This is odd, in preview and in SP all of my triggers and waypoints work fine but in MP the ai will board my helo at a "getin" waypoint but will not exit my helo at the getout waypoint.

I have a trigger at the getout wp with unitname leaveVehicle vehiclename but they will not get out unless I get out, then they bail out and take off to the waypoints.

I have tried using unassignVehicle leaveVehicle, but nothing works in MP?

the scenario is I grab an empty helo and go to an unmarked LZ (no waypoint) and pickup an ai fireteam (not assigned to me) and transport them to another unmarked LZ for them to insert but they refuse to get out in MP?

sorry wrong forum.....

Edited by Pappy60
boo booo

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I know it is not exactly the sam topic, but I am not able to order people IN the vehicle using an SQF script. I have created an empty vehicle, and a few soldiers in mission editor. Solders are in player's group. Named the vehicle VH1, added an action to the player to trigger the script. This is the script I am using:

_group = group player;

_group addvehicle VH1;

{_x assignAsCargo VH1} forEach units _group;

units _group orderGetIn true;


group_units = units group player;

_max = count group_units;

_i = 0;

while {(_i < _max)} do {

(group_units select _i) assignAsCargo VH1;

[(group_units select _i)] orderGetIn true;

_i = _i + 1;


It does work if I use moveInCargo, but this is not what I want.

Help greatly appreciated.



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got it on my own.

This doesn't work if player is a group leader.



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