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Problem with video settings on the latest official patch 1.4

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I bought ARMA 2, a couple days ago off D2D. I assumed that since i bought it online, it was going to be updated with the latest patch, but it was actually only version 1.2 , so yesterday I installed the new patch to 1.4. Now i notice a problem in my video settings. Before I was running on normal settings, because any higher than normal and I was getting some Lag. I am using a intel core, dual core 2.2 Ghz, 4 Gigs of ram, windox vista 32 bit, (i know i need to get 64 to use all the ram), and 1gig Nvida 9800. Anyway after installing the patch, it no longer lets me run the game on normal settings. It will only accept the high settings or low settings. If i click on normal nothing happens, it just wont accept it. I have tried making new games, even in multiplayer it wont let me change it. I really cant bear the low settings, i figure theres not enough detail for me to even see clearly, and on high, its ok, but i get some lag sometimes and i really hate lag.

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1) D2D usually lags several releases so people aren't forced to a release the server they're on may not be running. You can always patch up but you can't patch down.

2) I think you mean 1.02 and 1.04

3) 4 GB is pretty standard on a 32 bit OS as it depends on things like VRAM and APU RAM plus a lot of other address users to determine how much of the 4 GB is actually usable by the OS. Typically more than 2 GB but less than 3 GB.

4) There are a LOT of posts/threads about the 'normal/high' situation so perhaps you can find the answer by 'searching' through the responses already on the forum. (might also try the latest nVidia drivers which are currently 191.03 beta).

Good Luck

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