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Player (empty) helo extracts ai fire team script?

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I am new so please excuse me, I have searched a lot on this and yes there are many extraction postings but this one is a bit unique.

I have several empty helos, (MP) and an un-attached ai fire team located at 056022 , I want to grab any empty helo and fly (player is pilot) to their location and extract them.

I have a trigger at the LZ that makes the AI fire team move to a "get in" waypoint and they do move, no problem but they do not get in the helo.

So I have read that I need a "LOAD" waypoint for the helo and need to sync the LOAD wp to the "Get In" wp. The problem is that I cannot set a waypoint on an empty helo. AND there are 4 possible helos that could fly this task.

Do I need a script that gets the helo name (do empty helos have names?) and then tells the ai to moveincargo of helo_name based on a trigger?

I am a bit lost on how to do this....all the other extraction posts seem to be centered around an AI helo, mine is about a live pilot in an empty helo extracting known but unattached AI

Hope this is understandable.........

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You'd want to assignAsCargo and orderGetIn instead of moveInCargo. moveIn will 'teleport' them into the helo, probably not what you're looking for.

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You are correct, teleporting them would be bad, forgive my noobiness but could I set the trigger to [THIS] assignAsCargo [FireTeam1] ?

But I am thinking I need to know the name of the helo and include it in the statement?

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