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SetViewDistance in Campaign

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at first....Sorry for my bad English

Hi hoo CM & BI Team.

Till Version 1.29 is the ViewDistance in the Game dramatic down (latest Info are that is set to 600 Meters).

In MissionEditor i can set the ViewDistance higher

( setviewdistance=x x=count in Meters)

But my questions goes to SetViewDistance for the normal Game-Campaigns.

Where i can set the ViewDistance for the Campaigns ?

thx for listening


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According to what I've read in the forums, i dont think you can.

Anyone able to confirm/deny this?

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hhmm... Ok...than is that a wonderful Idea for the next Upgrade smile.gif

A new Option in Preferences for Performans

thx for Answer


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That's an awful idea, I hope BI is wise enought to keep the setting to 600 meters, this makes the game smooth on all pc and we are sure everyone playing can see and target at the same range, without givin advantage to those with monster pcs...

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ok...that is a good statement

I HEXediting the 1985.pbo and find some setviewdistance settings in that.

i have change it, but no effects.

To your statement.

I know that the setviewdistance in MP for all players is.

(two ways are there, 1 - Map with setviewdistance and 2- trigger with settings)

If you in a MPgame and the Mapper have the Settings set to 600 meters is that for all.

I think the new Option is good for Campaign Makers.

I play any self-campaigns and there i cant set the Vdistance...that is not funny sad.gif

thx for reading


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Have anyone idea ??

I tryed

-consolen command = dont work

-DesktopLink (-nosplash -setviewdistance=10000) = dont work

-HexEditing any *.pbo = dont work

-editing *.cfg files = dont work

I have a ViewDistance Script but that only work in MP-editing Maps

CM & BI please help....give us a tip smile.gif

thx for listening


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show any Person of BI or CM here in this Forum or is that only a Dynamic-Forum with User Helpline ?

No Statement from Official Site


cu all and happy wargames


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You wanna really do it? Tedious but it can be done.

Download the DePBO utility from one of the OFP editing sites. Run it against file 1985.PBO in the Campaigns folder.

Now, you'll also need a utility that decrypted mission.sqm files. I've seen 2 out there. One of them works, the other doesn't. You'll have to decrypt all encrypted mission.sqm files.

Now, some missions already have setviewdistance set in either their mission.sqm file or in their into.sqs files. Their are a few exceptions. For example, for mission Strange Meeting there's a setviewdistance value in a file called Morton_obsazen.sqs.

Once you've changed existing values and added setviewdistance to those with no value (using default), you'll need to use the StuffPBO utility to repackage the modified 1985.PBO file. Don't bother trying to reencrypt the mission.sqm files.

Good luck!

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