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United States Special Operations Command

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1st Special Forces Operational Detachment - Delta: The closest thing that you can get to the real thing.

Many of our Operators serve or have served in the military worldwide. Our objective is to train and operate in-game as a single unit. If Tactics, Teamwork, and Strategy is what you want, then U.S.SOCOM is for you. You will learn many of the tactics the military teaches, you will learn how to properly execute them and YOU WILL use them in game with the other Soldiers of U.S.SOCOM.

We have recently added a new unit to U.S.SOCOM. This new unit is called the 75th Ranger Regiment and it has less training than the 7th Special Forces Group Training. You only have to go through RASP and Ranger School. We welcome anyone to come check us out.

We expect to dominate in ArmA2 because of our superior tactics and teamwork and our confident attitude.

Basic Training Course is 7 days long. This entails Basic land navigation abilities, communication, weapons, weapons qualification, formations, individual/team/squad movement techniques, and much more.

Ranger School:

RASP - Land Navigation

Ranger School - Small Unit Tactics which includes Ambush, Assualting, Defense Tactics and much more.

SERE - A survival course we teach, that every soldier must go through.

We have 5 phases of Special Forces Training (Qualification Course) that all recruits must go through:

Phase 1: Special Forces Operational Assessment & Selection (SFAS) includes Land Navigation

Phase 2: Small Unit Tactics (SUT) includes Ambush, Assaulting, Defense Tactics and much more

Phase 3: Warrior Leadership Course and Individual Training Course (WLC & ITC)

Phase 4: Specialty Training (PMOS) which is training in your MOS.

Phase 5: Robin Sage which is a SF Mission you must complete to pass to be a SF Operator

Phase 6: SERE which is a survival course we teach, that every soldier must go through.

160th SOAR has training for its crew and its pilots.

Pilots training is broken up into 3 parts, Basic, Advanced and Expert. Each part builds onto the next. Teaching basic flying skills to much more advanced skills and tactics. Each part of this course is about 4 -6 days long.

Crewmen training is a 4 day course that teaches communication, gunning, navigating and much more.

CSAR/ParaRescue is also under SOAR, and these as small fireteams that work with SOAR to go out and execute search and rescue jobs during missions

*Note: There are separate Training times for Eastern and Western Hemisphere Operators.

We have several DMOS including Map Editing, Recruiting, Drill Instructors and Graphical Design and much more.

We have several Additional Skill Identifiers (ASIs), Special Qualification Indentifiers (SQIs), MOSs, and each MOS has a Skill Level that will level up as you get better at your job.

We have Operators from all over the world including the US, Canada and the EU. We have squads (ODA's) for both Western and Eastern Hemisphere Operators.

Note: Operators that Serve or have Served in the military (for any country) will be given extra perks that non-servicemen will never receive in our unit, regardless of their rank in the unit.

Filters you can type in the server IP or the first part of the name:

- Name Search SOCOM

- Name of Server is U.S.SOCOM [A2+OA] MOD Tactical Realism Server - visit www.SFOD-Delta.com for info

- ArmA2 Eastern US 64-man Server (IP:


- Must be mature and 16+ (Exceptions made for exceptionally mature younger players)

- Able to work as a team and move together as a unit.

- ArmA2

- Must be able to communicate in English with a working mic, X-Fire and Teamspeak

Thank you for your time and I wish you the best in ArmA2.

For Questions please Email us at the info below.

Website: www.SFOD-Delta.com


Commanding Officer

Means of Contact:

Email: Beckwith@SFOD-Delta.com

Yahoo Messenger: squirrel5911@yahoo.com

MSN Messenger: squirrel5911@hotmail.com

XFire: colbeckwithsfod

Steam: COLBeckwithSFOD

AIM: squirrel5911


Email: jackspyder@sfod-delta.com

Edited by Beckwith[USSOCOM]
Updated contact info, server info

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We are now in possesion of a server which is having a custom map created for us as we speak. Our Aviation and Armoured units are also now up and running for those who do not want to serve in one of our Infatry ODAs.

Our training for ArmA 2 is also complete and is an extremely detailed an indepth guide split over 4 phases as outlined above. Each part is taken by one of highly experienced and proffesional senior operators and will turn you from a soldier into an SFOD operator.

So please come and join our already established unit in what is proving to be a very exciting time in its history.

MAJ Copson

160th SOAR

Commanding Officer

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You now have the opurtunity to join one of two elite units. Either the highly skilled airborne infantry of the 82nd Airborne which requires only the passing of BCT and Airborne School. Or you can be all you can be and join our existing unit SFOD-D where you will be trained to the limits of tactical skill and profesionalism. With this there are many more MOS and DMOS oppurtunties including Combat Medics, RTO etc.

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We have recently added some new features to our unit. Please come check them out if you like.

MOS List (Each MOS has a link to its specific Description and Skill Levels Descriptions

Additional Skill Indentifiers (ASI) & Special Qualification Identifiers (SQI) These are skills that you learn when you go into your MOS and skills that you can obtain if you wish. These are not mandatory in any way.

Skill Levels These are ways to congratulate you of how well you are doing your job and to show that you are exceeding in your MOS job. Check each MOS for a specific list of Skill Levels for each MOS.

Thank you for your time. I hope you enjoy what we are bringing to ArmA2.

Edited by Beckwith[USSOCOM]
Links were broken because of the change from e107 to a custom site.

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There is going to be a large scale recruitment session at the following date and times.

Saturday 5 December

1st Session



2 Session



These will be run on our server and we are hpoing to have them once a week. So come along and join in battle with many of our operators.


160th SOAR Commanding Officer

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We have had some major changes over the past month or so. First and foremost to aid realisma and add the potential for expansion we are now known as United States Special Operations Command. In essence this changes very little however some things have changes so here is a run down of how we are structured and the units within us.

1st SFOD-D:- This is our most elite unit that is made up of specific people selected from our other units

7th SFG:- This is our primary Special Forces unit. You can choose to apply for this after you complete BCT

75th Ranger Regiment:- This is our infantry unit, it also includes our armoured and mechanized unit both of which can be applied for after BCT.

160th SOAR:- This is our Aviation unit where we have both rotary and fixed wing pilots and also aircrew. You can choose to apply for this after BCT.

We have added and changed some training to accommodate for the changes.

We have purchased a new 64 Slot server which we are nearing completion of our custom map for. The server is from a highly recommended comapany which serves several other units. It is hosted on its own box so there is no lag even for european players. It of course has the latest version of the ACE 2 mod.

U.S.SOCOM ACE 2 Server


Or click filter and type U.S.SOCOM

Our final change is to our site in which we have now completed our completely custom site theme. There are still a few bugs in it so if you see any please do not be alarmed and inform us in our forums.

We hope you like the changes and will join us

Maj Copson

160th SOAR Commanding Officer

PAO Commanding Officer

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We have been doing extremely well over the past few weeks. We have recruited roughly 15-20 people with many other applications being processed as we speak. So now is an excellent time to become part of USSOCOM.

We hav also just purchased a new 14 slot server for the purposes of training and map development. This has helped us a lot in getting all these guys trained up and is purchased from the same host as our main server so has absolutely no lag or anything else.

For this new server a whole host of new dedicated training maps for each area of training. These are very nicely made and have been worked on very hard by our members.

At the moment we are paticularly looking for guys who want to be a part of our 75th Rangers unit and also our Armoured units.

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We are urgently looking for more people who wish to be part of our Research & Development team and create our maps and missions. There is also an oppurtunity to head it up as an NCO or Officer.

If there is anybody who would be willing to simply assist with our issues but does not want to donate there time to joining the unit we would also be greatly appreciative.

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Our unit is continuing to fill and grow and now have roughly 30 active members with another 10+ reserves. We now have an almost full ODA for our Special Forces Group and also a good number of people in our 160th SOAR unit. We have started to conduct small one off missions every week to expand our training and apply it to more intense situations.

We are also going to be conducting special recruiting sessions every other week where members of the public on our server will be split up into groups with USSOCOM members placed in charge of the group. This is an excellent oppurtunity to see how we operate as a unit and also for our own members to develop there leadership abilities.

Our first one is on Saturday 3rd April at 9PM ET, 6PM PT, 1AM GMT.

We hope to see you there

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We changed the server config. Now, to get into the server you can ONLY have ACE2 running. We have turned on Signature Verification. If you have any other addons, you will be kicked out.

We did this to keep the hackers and other people out. I hope the public understands and will continue to join the server. We hope to have you all join in the future and please feel free to join our TS.

We will be allowing other Mods, in the future, but for now it is ONLY ACE2. You can check this thread on our website for additional addons we are allowing on the server.


Brigadier General Beckwith

Edited by Beckwith[USSOCOM]

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We are now in possesion of a Mod Server that contains ACE and our Mod pack. Again just searching USSOCOM will pull it for you in the browser.

Information on our mod pack and instructions on how to download and install it can be found here: http://www.sfod-delta.com/e107_plugins/forum/forum_viewtopic.php?16770

We are now possess a full operational SF ODA and also an Aviation Unit, our 75th Ranger unit is starting to fill up as well now and we are looking to have that fully operational with in the next few weeks.

We are now looking to really recruit people to join our Armor unit and we have positions as both as driver and gunners. As always we continue to recruit for our Aviation, SF and Ranger units.

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We at USSOCOM are pround to announce, that we will be opening, up for the U.S Naval Special Operations Command.

SEAL Team 3 is being activated.

What we expect for this is to have the best possible, U.S.NAVY Seals added to the game. SEALs will undergo a strict BCT(Like all our soldiers) and BUD/S. Like our SF, only the best of the best get in, but everyone can apply once the main BCT is completed. After BCT you will undergo BUD/S, while you are in BUD/S, every SEAL is a skilled soldier in all areas, from weapons, driver, and much more. Hospital Corpsman is also available, but has a strict training regimine of its own. Once BUD/S is completed, you will be given the NEC: Special Warfare Operator and you are a full SEAL member.


Phase I - Land Navigation & Small Boat Seamenship

Phase II - Weapons & Marksmanship (Navy Seal Saying "One Mind, Any Weapon"), Demo & Military Explosives

Phase III - Small Unit Tactics (Ambush, Assault, Defense, Special Recon, Patrolling Techniques, and much more).

At the end of the training you will be assigned to a Squad.

*If you chose HM, you will have to undergo some Training with 1st SFOD-D

As always, we are recruiting for our 7th Special Forces Group, 160th SOAR, 75th Ranger Regiment and Armor.

If interested, please contact us.

Website: www.SFOD-Delta.com

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Our Public Server and MOD Server have been changed over to Operation ArrowHead. As always, just filter SOCOM.

Also, we are still recruiting, if you are interested, visit us at www.SFOD-Delta.com.

Open Units:

75th Rangers

7th Special Forces Group

SEAL Team 3

160th SOAR

66th Armored

Hope to see you on our server.

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We are about to start our first campaign, Operation ShadowSpear. This campaign will be beginning August 21st. We will be posting videos on our Youtube account, USSOCOMunit.

We are running Combined Ops on both of our servers and 1 server has ACE and the other has no ACE. As always, just filter SOCOM and you will find us.

If you are interested in joining the hardest working and trained unit in ArmA2 and OA Community, feel free to check us out. You are welcome to hop on our TS as well, please register on our website or send me a PM here and I will be happy to send you the info.

As always, we are recruiting and just visit us at www.SFOD-Delta.com.

We have recently got several soldiers that joined our Armor unit and that is quickly growing, along with our newly formed SEAL Team 3. All units are currently recruiting...

160th SOAR

SEAL Team 3

75th Ranger Regiment

66th Armored

7th Special Forces Group

and the best of them all, Delta (Invite only unit, must be in one of the above units to get invited to Delta. This is the best of the best and their training shows it.)

As always, if you want detailed information on what we train in and on the operations our units do and how we operate, please feel free to contact us. What I will say for now though, is we train, operate, and work just like the real units in U.S.SOCOM.

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USSOCOM continues to recruit some top quality individuals and turn them into world class Special Operations soldiers. Our member count has now reached 50 Active members (This means they are attending training and posting on our forum every single week). Alongside that we also have roughly 20 people who are currently on Reserves or Leave of Absence bringing our total up to approximately 70 members.

Our server continues to be a home for like minded gamers to come and enjoy themselves. Our servers have recently been changed we know have one server running purely ACE and Combined Arms, Our other server now runs our USSOCOM Mod Pack which is a compilation of some of the best and most realistic mods in the ArmA 2 Community giving us a huge array of weapons and vehicles at our disposal.

We now have soldiers in all of our different units meaning that we now have the ability to fight under any circumstances, with any weapon anywhere on the globe.

So if you are intrested in joining the premier realism unit for ArmA 2 Combined Arms then just head to www.SFOD-Delta.Com for more details.

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We are now running Public Mission Nights every Sunday. We have 2 times that we do Public missions, please feel free to join us. These run for about 2 hours long and its a chance for everyone to see how we operate and to operate in an organized mission with U.S.SOCOM.

1st Times:

2pm ET

11am PT

7pm UK

2nd Times:

8pm ET

5pm PT

1am UK

We will be posting up a video soon of our first Campaign that is about to begin on September 18th.

We have also begun recruiting for our Artillery Unit that we are creating. Please feel free to come join us if you are interested. As always, we are recruiting for our SF, SEAL, SOAR, Ranger, Armor and CSAR units.

We hope to see you at our Public Mission Night. It will be run on our ACE Server, just filter SOCOM and you will see an ACE server.

We have also added in a new Land Navigation course that will teach you how to properly use the ACE Map tools and to navigate the land properly and tactically. We have also finished some new training maps for our Armor, SEALs, SF, Rangers, and SOAR units. These new training maps are integral to our training and teaching of the most elite and indepth tactical training you have every come across.

Come check us out and enlist in the most elite realism unit in ArmA2, United States Special Operations Command


Brigadier General Beckwith

Commanding Officer

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Hello from U.S.SOCOM once again. We have been doing great recently with an influx of recruits and we almost have our SF, and SEAL squads filled up and will hopefully shortly afterwards start a second squad of each.

On another note, we have recently made a new website, the domain is the same, but we have version 1.0 of our custom site up. Feel free to come check us out.

We also have changed out TS info. You will find that below.

Our campaign we started about a 2 months ago started off great and is still going on. We are still doing Public Mission Nights every Sunday, so feel free to join us if you like.

TS3 IP: ts3.sfod-delta.com

TS3 Port: 7085

TS3 Password: delta7911

Check out the new website and let us know what you think, please realize we are still working on it and not all the functions are working yet, but will be very soon. We expect the website to be fully functional by 05JAN2011.

Website: www.SFOD-Delta.com

Hope to hear from you all soon and as always, we recruiting for all of our units!!!


Brigadier General Beckwith

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We here at United States Special Operations Command, would like to announce the expansion to MARSOC and AFSOC.

We have expanded into MARSOC and its 1st Marine Special Operations Battalion. They will be tasked with direct action and special recon jobs within U.S.SOCOM. We are excited about the expansion to the Marines and look forward to what it will bring to the unit. Their training is going to consist of 4 Phases, after they complete BCT. After the completion of BCT, the trained Operator will be an E-1 - Private and after the Operator completes MSOS (Marine Special Operations School) they will be an E-2 - Private First Class. Just like all the trainings in U.S.SOCOM we focus around tactics and teamwork. As always, we bring real life knowledge, skill s and tactics to the ArmA2 community.

We have expanded into AFSOC and its 1st Special Operations Wing and its 720th Special Tactics Group. The 1st Special Operations Wing is our Fixed wing unit of U.S.SOCOM. They will do all the fixed wing air support(CAS, Air-Air, etc.). The 720th Special Tactics Group is the Pararescue and Tactical Air Control Parties (TACP). Pilots will need to go through TACP school and work their way up to E-4 - Senior Airman, at which point, they could be selected by the Air Force Command to go into Pilot School. Here they will learn to fly a very basic fixed wing plane, taxing, and proper navigation. After Basic Flight Training, they will go onto Advanced and then Expert, where they will get to select the type of plane they want to learn to fly and train in and will learn all the tactics, formations and teamwork needed to fly thier plane and the proper use of it. Pararescue Operators will go through land nav, airborne school, and free fall parachutist school (something all operators must do, excluding armor), paramedic training and recovery specialist course (this encompasses medical care & tactics, and combat tactics. TACP Operators will go through an initial training which is 5 blocks. It will teach you about all the radios and train you on their use and the vehicle radios and their use, you will have field training, Small Unit Tactics training, along with training in calling in air support and weapons systems, and of course field training exercise including close air support planning and execution.

Now, because of the additions, there have been some changes as well. No one can join U.S.SOCOM and go straight into SF or SEALs. You must go into one of the following units; Rangers, MARSOC, AFSOC, SOAR, or Armor before you can apply for SF or SEALs training. After completing your training for one of the before mentioned units, you have to spend at least 1 month in that unit before applying for SF or SEALs training. SF and SEALs will only hold their trainings every 3 months. To get into SF, you need to apply for SF and then you will go to an Interview with the SF Command and they will look over your MPF (Military Personnel File) and ask you questions. After you get through the selection, you will then go onto the Q Course and begin your training. This SF training, may repeat some of the training you did previously, but the grading scale is that much harder and you will learn a lot of new stuff as well. SF Q Course takes about 3-4 months to complete. To get into the SEALs, you need to apply and have a recommendation from your Squad Leader or Commanding Officer. You will be able to attend BUD/S at that point. You will be assigned to the next BUD/S class and begin your training when it begins. Again, you may go over stuff you have done already, but the grading scale is a lot harder, making the training that much harder to pass. You will of course learn some new stuff as well. SEALs BUD/S takes about 3 months to complete.

Along with these changes, we have added an additional day of training to our BCT and a Radio Operator Training. Our BCT used to be 7 days long, starting in January it is 8 days long, spread over a 3 week period. We have added in a Basic Communications day to teach our new soldiers how to use ACRE properly and proper Comms on the radio, as well. Radio Operator Training will teach designated soldiers how to use long range radios and communicate with HQ and to other squads, call in artillery, and even CAS. Now, they will not have the knowledge of calling in Fixed Wing CAS as the TACP is, but they will have the ability and general knowledge needed to call them in.

Now, a lot of people think we go over board with our training. We believe in having well trained operators in the field and not just having basic trained people that just go running and gunning around without any rhyme or reason. We use real world teamwork and tactics and that is what we train everyone in. We are not a unit looking for quantity like most other units, clans, and communities, we want QUALITY soldiers. Quality can trump quantity anytime. This is why our recruitment process and training process is so rigorous and hard, because only the best and dedicated can complete it. If this is what you are looking for, sign up today!!!

Website: www.SFOD-Delta.com

We have a new Server IP:

Edited by Beckwith[USSOCOM]
There were a few grammar errors and I forgot to add in our server IP. I did not want to spam and make another reply to it.

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We have just completed our first operation of our first campaign.

Operation New Horizon News Report:

This afternoon United States soldiers began a patrol around the air field that the British Forces have secured in the Northwest part of Chernarus. According to Brigadier General Beckwith the operation was a full success. The Rangers along with a small SF detachment went out to secure the villages and try to win the hearts and minds of the Chernarus civilians. They have got some good feedback and information from the civilians and did end up engaging the CMRS in one location. "The engagement was difficult, since the CMRS know the terrain better than we do, but with the highly trained operators we have along with our technology, we feel we have the upper hand.", said Major SlovenianDevil.

The Chernarus police force, did have the misfortune of running into the U.S. Military and having 2 of their vehicles disabled. The policemen were safe, but the vehicles were disabled. The General did apologize for the incidents, but the U.S. forces have to be cautious of any vehicles approaching at high speeds. The Police Chief did say, that their was a woman that was kidnapped not to long ago and taken towards "Devil's Castle". He said to us, that they do not have the force to help the woman, they hope the U.S. will be able to help.

We asked the General if this would be the next mission for his men, he did not say one way or the other. He just noted that their was a lot of information gathered today and they need to review it before they decide on their next operation.

It looks like the U.S. has made a good impression on most of the civilians, the Government, and the U.S. Government seems to all be happy with how this is going, so far...

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U.S.SOCOM has a campaign mission coming up on April 16th. We are in need of people to play as the British Armed Forces for the campaign. So, we are allowing the public to come take part in the mission.

You will be required to follow instructions and orders. This is NOT a domination type of mission where all soldiers carrying a weapon is the enemy. There is friendly militia groups that are working with us, so you have to confirm your targets.

If you are interested, please contact Brigadier General Beckwith. You can hop on TS and ask for more information.

TS3 IP: ts3.sfod-delta.com

TS3 Port: 7085

TS3 Password: delta7911

Mission Date: Saturday, April 16th, 2011

Mission Time:

1800 Zulu

For those of you who can't read military time.

2pm EST

11am PST

6pm GMT

7pm GMT+1

8pm GMT+2

Hope to see you all there.

Here is the OPORD

If you are interested in taking part, please contact me on TS or through a PM on here and I will be happy to add you guys to the roster.

We hope to see you all there.

Edited by Beckwith[USSOCOM]

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We are recently have completed our 3rd part of our campaign. We would like to invite everyone to join USSOCOM and take part in our campaign. You must be apart of USSOCOM to be able to take part in it.

We have also for the last month been conducting SOCOM Public Missions every other week. We welcome the public to come take part in our Public Missions. Next one will be June 18th.

We recently changed to a new box for our TS. There are some issues with the DNS switching over, if you have issues joining TS, please try this IP...

IP: sfod-delta.com:7085

Passoword: delta7911

We are about to start a new BCT training group. Our last group had 8 graduates and we look forward to this next group which will have 10 recruits going through BCT.

We are recruiting for July's BCT training group at this time. Please visit our site and submit an application if you are interested in joining the most hardcore and tactically sound realism unit in the community.

We have also started selection for our SF and SEALs this month, and have a few recruits that will start their Q Course and BUD/S training in July.

If you want to be apart of a unit that uses real life teamwork and tactics in ArmA2/OA, then you want to check us out. Every other unit claims to be a milsim unit, but those other units cannot compete with our tactics or teamwork!!!

Website: www.SFOD-Delta.com

Check us out and you will be interested!!! There is NO going back to another unit or community once you have gamed with U.S.SOCOM!!!

Our Addon pack is on Six Updater, we use ACE, ACRE, and some other mods on our server.

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Open Recruitment Call !!!

U.S. SOCOM is now holding an open recruitment call for the January Basic Training Course.*

This course offers core fundamentals that every soldier needs to know to function in a team/unit environment. On Completion of BCT you can choose your unit and begin your team trainings. Additionally in the team role, you may have the options, to become an RTO, Medic, EOD tech, etc.

We have a very active Team Speak which includes game channels, team lounges, and channels that are for collaboration on fun/work tasks.

There have been a few changes in USSOCOM over the last 6 months.

We have gotten rid of SEAL Team 3 and 7th SFG. The main reason is to limit the amount of units we have in USSOCOM.

Current Units:

SFOD-D (aka Delta)

DEVGRU (Formerly SEAL Team 6)

75th Rangers Regiment

66th Armored Cavalry


720th Special Tactics Group

1st Special Operations Wing

160th SOAR

As we have stated in the past, Delta you need to get selected into. DEVGRU you can only join from being in MARSOC, as well as a CO recommendation from your MARSOC CO. All other units you can apply for right out of BCT.

We have had a lot of changes in USSOCOM over the last 6 months and much has been added, as well. Our Trainings for each unit has become a lot more intense and a lot more detailed. We have training manuals for every training we have, that we have created for each specific unit and MOS. We have specialized trainings for Medics, RTOs, and many other positions that are in the military. All of which has detailed training manuals.

We are also happy to announce we have created a Sniper School that is as detailed and difficult as its real life counterpart. Sniper School will teach you how to stalk, engage targets, but also how to break your area down into zones and to designate ground distance markers and much much more. This is one of the longest and hardest trainings in USSOCOM. We have a real life Sniper that has helped to create the training for USSOCOM.

We are also happy to announce that we have a European Public Server. We still have our US Public Server, as well. We do our Public Missions on the US Server, but sometimes we do it on the European Public Server, it depends. We do our Public Missions every other Sunday at 2pm EST (7pm GMT).

We do SOCOM Only Missions every other week, as well, on Sundays. We do this on the off weeks of the Public Missions. These are missions that anyone in USSOCOM can take part in. Everyone from Recruit all the way up to General can take part in these. We do these every other Sunday at 2pm EST (7pm GMT).

We also have 3 campaigns going on at this time, only people that have finished their training and in a squad can take part in a campaign mission. Usually the rank of E-2 and above. We have campaigns going on in Isla Duala, Takistan, and Lingor. The missions and Operations conducted are equal to that of what Spec Ops units actually conduct throughout the world. We have the assistance of former Spec Ops Operators and US Soldiers that assist with the missions and operations to create true to real life scenarios. We conduct our Campaign missions every other Saturday and the time depends.

Additionally, we ask our soldiers to contribute to the unit as a whole. After completing your BCT and getting a feel for what is going on, you are requested to select from a list of DMOS’s that help unit cohesion. For instance, there are roles that one can fill from MP all the way to graphic design or mission campaign creation. Based on how much you would like to contribute to U.S. SOCOM, there is a role for you.

We are a MILSIM environment with a family atmosphere. We follow a rank structure that takes the military and brings it to ArmA2. We have a large amount of former and active duty military members. They assist with information and assistance with keeping the standards of the MILSIM unit.

U.S. SOCOM is preparing for the launch of ARMA 3 and soldiers will be able to fluidly transfer from one game to the other. Don’t think that any skills learned won’t be continued onto the new game, just because of game improvements.

We have our addon pak on both Six Updater and Yoma, you can download it from either place and join us in game. I will put the links below for instructions on how to get our addon pack from either, along with our TS info.

TS IP: sfod-delta.com:7085

Password: delta7911

USSOCOM Six Updater Info: http://www.sfod-delta.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1359

USSOCOM Yoma Addon Sync Info: http://www.sfod-delta.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1359

We wish everyone a Happy and Safe Holidays, and look forward to seeing you on TS and in our servers.

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We are happy to announce our 3rd Recruitment for Delta and DEVGRU this year and we are getting some new members into both units. They only recruit every 3 months and they only recruit from units in USSOCOM. This next recruitment is in September.

Also, since our last update, we closed MARSOC, temporarily till we got some more numbers.

We are also happy to announce our new Airborne school, Free Fall parachutist school, and WLC having been redone and remade and the constant new schools we are pumping out every month.

We know everyone is eager to be a SNIPER, so with that said, we are happy to announce our new SNIPER school which will be opening up at the end of September. This training will be a 9 week course of 1 - 3 days of training every week. It will teach you everything you need to know to be a expert Sniper.

We are running public missions every week on Saturdays and sometimes on Sundays. You can check this forum for more information on Public missions we run. We post the Public missions up every Monday.

You can still get our addon pack from Six Updater or Yoma.

We have our addon pak on both Six Updater and Yoma, you can download it from either place and join us in game. I will put the links below for instructions on how to get our addon pack from either, along with our TS info.

TS IP: sfod-delta.com:7085

Password: delta7911

USSOCOM Six Updater Info: http://www.sfod-delta.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1359

USSOCOM Yoma Addon Sync Info: http://www.sfod-delta.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1359

We look forward to seeing you on TS and in our servers.

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We have news of our upcoming Operation that is going on.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/QNLnqOrwQv0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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