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Hi all

I'm playin around with tcp's IED script and i need to add a couple of things and seeing as im new as with scripting i need some help.

What i want to do is have a message display when an IED is detected with either a hint or a radio message and also a marker to appear on the map on the pos of detected IED.

Just wondering if anyone could give me the code to do is and where to add it in the script.

script is in the spoiler, cheers.

P.S thanks to tcp for making this great script.

// tcp_IED.sqf v03 executed from init of object that is the IED

// Used examples from Jeevz's Proximity IED, POTS SuicideBomber, Foxhound Random IED, Javhe/HOZ IED, SPON VBIED

// To create a proximity IED/Suicide Bomber place in init line of any object where:

// <this> is object reference/name

// <west,east,guer,civ> is the activating side (1 only)

// <"Small","Medium","Large","Huge","Massive"> is the magnitude of explosion

// <10> is the radius/proximity for detonation

// <60> affects performance by delaying trigger check and the proximity check which happens to create a gap when IED might

miss a target, but unlikely

// <["M1151_M2","M1151G_M2"]> is an array of vehicle types that can detect IEDs (after they are active) 3% chance of

detection and 20% chance of detonation every half second starting 40 feet out

// <trigger1> is a trigger reference/name that has to be activated before IED considered active/planted

// _iedh = [this,west,"Medium",15,60] execVM "tcp_IED.sqf";

// _iedh = [this,west,"Medium",15,60,[],trigger1] execVM "tcp_IED.sqf";

// _iedh = [this,west,"Medium",15,60,["HMMWV_Armored"],trigger1] execVM "tcp_IED.sqf";

// _iedh = [this,west,"Medium",15,60,["M1151_M2","M1151G_M2"]] execVM "tcp_IED.sqf";

// IED only set off by Land Vehicles, can be disarmed by player on foot, or by shooting/destroying IED or Suicide bomber

// 33% chance IED will not go off if speed under 10mph, Change class types for target vehicles and EOD personnel below

if(!isServer) exitWith{};




_ied = _this select 0;

_side = if (count _this > 1) then {_this select 1} else {west};

_size = if (count _this > 2) then {_this select 2} else {"Medium"};

_rad = if (count _this > 3) then {_this select 3} else {15};

_time = if (count _this > 4) then {_this select 4} else {60};

_dtec = if (count _this > 5) then {_this select 5} else {[]};

_trg = if (count _this > 6) then {_this select 6} else {};

// Edit the targeted vehicles to include only the class types that you included in your mission (for better performance)

_targ = switch (_side) do {

case west: {



case east: {



default {




// The class types able to disarm the IEDs

_eod = switch (_side) do {

case west: {



case east: {



default {




if (!isnil "_trg") then {


while {alive _ied && _wait} do {

sleep _time;

if(triggerActivated _trg) then {_wait=false;};




if(count _dtec > 0) then {_detect=true;};



while {alive _ied && _wait} do {

sleep _time;

_near = (getPos _ied) nearObjects 300;

if(_side countSide _near > 0) then {



while {(alive _ied) && (_wait2) && (_tmo > 0)} do {

sleep 0.5;

_near = (getPos _ied) nearObjects (_rad+40);

_nrsd = [];

{if(side _x == _side) then {_nrsd = _nrsd + [_x]}} forEach _near;

_count=count _nrsd;

for [{_x=0},{_x<_count},{_x=_x+1}] do {

_sel = _nrsd select _x;

_luck = random 1;

{if((_sel isKindOf _x) && ((_sel distance _ied) <= _rad)) exitWith {_wait=false; _wait2=false; if(_luck < 0.33 && speed

_sel < 10 && !(_ied isKindOf "CAManBase")) then{_armed=false;};}} forEach _targ;

{if((_sel isKindOf _x) && ((_sel distance _ied) <= 5)) exitWith {_wait=false; _wait2=false; if(_luck > 0.10) then

{_armed=false; hint "Disarmed";};}} forEach _eod;

if(_detect) then {


if(_sel isKindOf _x) then {

if (_luck > 0.80) then {




if (_luck < 0.3) then {

hint "Detected IED";



} forEach _dtec;







if (alive _ied && _armed) then {

if (_size == "Small") then {"R_57mm_HE" createVehicle (getPos _ied);};

if (_size == "Medium") then {"M_Sidewinder_AA" createVehicle (getPos _ied);};

if (_size == "Large") then {for [{_x=1},{_x<=12},{_x=_x+1}] do {"M_Sidewinder_AA" createVehicle (getPos _ied);};};

if (_size == "Huge") then {"Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle (getPos _ied);};

if (_size == "Massive") then {"ARTY_R_227mm_HE" createVehicle (getpos _ied); "Bo_GBU12_LGB" createVehicle (getpos _ied);};


_ied setDamage 1;

if (true) exitWith {};

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If you're using a trigger to detonate, maybe use another trigger on top of that, maybe only 1m wider in diameter with text in it stating "IED detected"...... It's obviously up to you how wide you have it though.

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