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FireStation W.I.P.

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Hi every one due to the new firetuck(wip) iv decided to make a firestation, since i cant do much from scratch iv decided to make it from the bis "hanger_2" its an all red fire house and will come in 2 vesrions...a metro\universal(meaning no specific markings just F.D.) and a genaric usaf\military airbase\base fire station(with usaf F.D. markings)! the only problem that keeps this from release(along with my other addons) is a config? so if some one can help please contact me here or PM me?


i finlly got the firestation in game and working i just need to add the F.D. markings!

heres some pics



if anyone from them civilian mods(citylife, sahranilife..and so on) wants this(even tho its sh@ty) you are more then welcome....incase anyone wonders why i made this, its because with the new W.I.P. firetruck, we need a house to put it in! also i know the guys from them civilian mods have been waiting along time for something they can call a fire station! in later releases ill try to re-do it all togather...so it looks like a real fire house! im having trouble adding markings tho, so it may just get released like this for now, this i fix it up nice!

also that uh-60q medevac is also W.I.P., as im making it for a friend, i figured i might as well release this too! and it will be soon once i get some one to make the guys lay on the stretchers, and not in the seats(which arent there)

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