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I'm working on an invasion campaign, and the first battle is all out chaos. I'm curious how in the MP features, if you are to do, how to spawn you into AI so that you can continue. There are about 50-60 US troops with air support invading and about 50 Soviet troops with heavy armor defending. I'd prefer that the respawn be within ground troops and not any of the air units. Anyone know how I can accomplish this?


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You mean the description.ext entries? If yes:



1 = respawn as seagull with respawn_delay

2 = respawn as the same unit where you died with respawn_delay

3 = respawn as the same unit at marker with respawn_delay

4 = respawn as next unit in group with respawn_delay (leader only?)

5 = respawn as next unit of group in commandolist with respawn_delay (whatever. again: leader only?)

6 = no respawn

(I translated this from MR MURRAY's tutorial, that one´s in german.)

Not too sure if this helps with your prob...?

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