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Conflict - A dynamically scaling coop

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I have been busy with a mission lately, it's now at a stage where it has enough content to be playable for more than an hour. As such, I am releasing an alpha.

It's a small to large scale coop mission (scales on the fly) aiming to take the "take all the towns" concept from domination/evolution and make it much more infantry and tactics oriented. It's not trying to be domination or evolution, and is geared more towards teamwork oriented players.


To deploy and pack the artillery batteries you must be the Artillery officer.

The first three towns are done, eventually I hope to get the entire island done.


* AI enemy commander that uses limited resources to counter-attack.

* AI scale on the fly to the number of players

* AI improvement scripts where possible

* Deployable real friendly artillery

* Three main objectives

* Friendly and enemy wounding and treatment (first aid module)

* Enemy surrendering and morale system

* Choice of respawn at a FOB in any taken town

To come:

* Much more content, towns and types of enemy

* Many more and varied side objectives, with adverse affects on the enemy's resources.

* Lots of refinement

* Enemy physical artillery

* Artillery radars for both enemy and friendlies for counter battery fire

Mission file: conflict_0-10a

Bugs and feedback encouraged, thanks. Remember, this is an alpha.

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