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Lol... woudn't ofp be great for a mod like...

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Before leaving, hear me out:

Think about it for a while...

Are you done thinking? no? Ok, I'll give you a little while longer...

Ok Times up.

I don't know how you would be able to animate and model the "Graboids", "Shriekers"... and those other things...

Picture this:

Your in houdan in Malden, in the atic of one of the houses with a PK thats low on ammo... You see somthing on the ground... kinda like when Bugs Bunny travles undeground... but you know better. You stick ur PK out of the wndow, and fire almost blindly at the ground.

You hear a shriek then everyhting is silent...

You wait for a sigh, then WHAM! This giant worm risses 15 feet in the air out of the ground, and is facing you.. eye to eye (Well they don't really have eyes... they "see" with sound..) You squeeze the trigger, but all you hear is "Click, Click!"




Well think of it this way, you'd be thinking "Just hop in a t80 and blow it to.. HELLO!" Well, Those worms things travle UNDERGROUND and hunt by SOUND. They pop up under vehicles and drag 'em beneath the surface.

Well I DO this would be HARD, if not IMPoSSIBLE.

But we might be able to find a way.

P.S. if you havn't hear of Tremors.. go out and ren/buy the movies (Tremors 1, 2 and 3)

You don't know what your missing...

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