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charon productions

Text over RscMapControl areas ?

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i am wondering if it is possible to output text on top of RscMapControl areas except using mapmarkers ?

Most folks position the text around the actual map area.

Cuttext gets displayed on the screen but "behind" the map control.

Also text created with titleRsc appears behind it.

Any ideas?

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In ARMA 2 cutText allows you to define what layer the text will be displayed on.

Using the example from the Biki I can get the text to display on top of my map:

2 cutText ["Hello World!","PLAIN",2];


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Thanks for the quick answer.

Unfortunately it doesn`t work for me.

I have tried layer numbers from 0 to 5 and it always appears under the custom map control that i have defined.

The Wiki states a syntax with brackets:

(layer) cutText effect

but you used it without brackets?

And you talk about a custom map control right? Not the ingame map?

Edited by Charon Productions

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Ah sorry about that, yes, I used the default map.

It doesn't matter if there are brackets or not in this context.

I can't think of a way to get cutText to work, however cutRsc may, it did with my FPS counter (resource) and a dialog open.

You're going to need to define yourself a new resource for this though.

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That also doesn`t work unfortunately.

Since my map control isnt covering the whole screen i will

use cutrsc to display a text positioned under the map to "mimic"

the cuttext effect.

I have a hard time though changing the text of the effect.

It is probably just one of these days today, but i tried many different things

and none worked. Maybe i am not adressing the resource correctly?

I use:

((uiNamespace getVariable 'CHN_MAPTXTDISP') displayCtrl 33662) ctrlSetStructuredText _txt;

where CHN_MAPTXTDISP is the name of the top level class in rsctitles



idd = 33771;

movingEnable = 1;

duration = 2.2;

fadeIn = 0.2;

fadeOut = 0.4;


onLoad = "with uiNameSpace do { CHN_MAPTXTDISP = _this select 0; };";

and 33662 is the idc number of the actual text control:



idc = 33662;

type = 13;

access = 0;

EDIT: Fixed it, the resource has to be actually displayed with the cutrsc command

before the text can be changed, because only then it will get the proper display number.

Thanks Deadfast!

Edited by Charon Productions

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