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Deleting all waypoints

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I've got the hang of most scripting now but am trying to do several things in particular;

1. On the init of a player, can I check if the player is a human (not AI) and if so, delete all of their waypoints? My mission is playable both in co-op and single player so the waypoints aren't really necessary when playing in co-op as they add too much restriction.

2. I can't get JIP to work - for some reason when I resume a saved mission, it disconnects other players from the server! Are there prerequisites for using JIP and do I have to script for it?

3. I have a logistics script I made in which a truck runs to and from the battlefield area to the start zone to provide pickup & dropoff for respawned players. For some reason, the truck will NOT wait until a certain condition is met, for example the first "pickup" waypoint is being created as follows:

_waypoint0 = _group addwaypoint[_pickupPos, 5];
_waypoint0 setwaypointtype "LOAD";
_waypoint0 setwaypointCombatMode "BLUE";
_waypoint0 setwaypointBehaviour "SAFE";
_waypoint0 setwaypointSpeed "Full";
_waypoint0 setwaypointTimeout [5,5,5];
_waypoint0 setwaypointStatements ["true", "this getVariable ""state"" == 2;"];

Even when the truck's "state" variable is not 2, it drives off! Any ideas? It seems the waypoints I create dynamically always evaluate their conditions to true.

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Isn't it because the condition is set to true in the setwaypointStatements command ?


_waypoint0 setwaypointStatements ["this getVariable ""state"" == 2",""];

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Ah, I didn't realise that -- seems I had my strings the wrong way round!

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