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Infiltration mission

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I'm making a mission where you have to get into a town and plant satchel charges on ammo trucks and destroy them. After they are destroyed, they will trigger alarms and endless spawns of guys will come after you from the town. You then have to make it back to where you started and get picked up by a chopper. I have some questions though.

1) I have 3 different target trucks in 3 different locations. Can I have a marker for each one that says Destroy at the same time?

2) How do I do the repeated spawning? I only want one or two spawns at a time but I want it so if you manage to kill them they will respawn and come at you again, forcing you to retreat.

3) I also want the player to have to wait until they've put all 3 bombs in place to detonate because a single explosion will cause the alarms to go off. How can I make it so if any one of the trucks is destroyed it will set the alarms/spawns off?

4) Can you make it so there are sleeping enemies? I've seen animations for them sleeping in chairs and such. How do you do this?

5) Can I make patrolling enemies that walk a specific path repeatedly?

Last question..

6) For some reason one of my waypoints keeps stopping at "Wait" and won't let me go on to the next one. It wasn't doing it before and I'm not sure what is causing it.

Edited by Jackael
added a question

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I'm no real genius on this kinda stuff, but Ill try answering your questions;

1. You can place three different trucks anywhere on the map and set them as targets. Then all you do is add three markers of the top of their location. In the mission breifing, you can specify that they all need to be blown at once - this will work with real people, but Im not sure how youd get the AI to do that.

2. Not sure about AI respawns. You could just try putting in a lot of guys instead of having respawns.

3. Simply set some enemies with a move waypoint towards the trucks, bound by a trigger that says in condition !(alivetruck) || !(alivetruck2) || !(alivetruck3). This tells the AI to move if any of the trucks are blown up.

where I have put 'truck' you put in the name of the trucks that you have used.

4. No idea.

5. Yes. Set waypoints along a specific path, then bring them back towards where the units set off. On they waypoint closest to the START, (which should also be closest to the units as u see them on the map) make it a CYCLE waypoint. That way it will tell the AI to cycle their move order again.

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For the spawns, you mgiht want to look at Murklors script


It allows you to spawn in waves, up to a certain amount of times, once a trigger has been activated which might help you :) Just have a look at his sample mission to see how it works, it is pretty handy once you know how :D

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Thanks, these are really helpful.

One thing though. My first waypoint leads to some dudes who join your squad when you approach them. However, once you reach the waypoint it doesn't set the next one. It just sits at the same waypoint saying "Wait".

How do I fix this?

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Either time it out with the time out options on the waypoint (not sure if this works with wait waypoints), or use a switch trigger and sync it to the join waypoint, im not sure on this though. Ill have a quick experiement, see if i can find out for you :)

Other people might have better ideas though, im still new to editing myself :)

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Okay, I decided to revert to an earlier save and just go from there. This was saved before it started "waiting".

Sorry for all the questions, but I'm trying to figure this stuff out.

I have another one tho (lol.)

I have it set so the people that you "rescue" board a truck at a certain location and switch to that truck's team. I then want this truck to drive off. I gave it a waypoint and syncronized it with the trigger that causes the people to enter the truck. They get in the truck fine and switch teams fine, but the truck doesn't drive off after.

I also want it to display multiple "waypoints" at once for the user. I want these to be back on the ammo trucks part. Is this possible? Or can you just use a marker. I want them to have an icon display during gameplay, not just on the map. Also, I want them to display only once a certain trigger is activated.

Edited by Jackael

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Okay, so I've been playing with it all night and got most of what I want working. Thanks for all the help so far but I still need help on a few things that are probably pretty easy.

1) I want to make it so there are multiple "waypoints" or at least markers/icons on the screen during gameplay that show where target ammo trucks are. I want these only to appear once a certain trigger is activated too. Just putting markers doesn't make them appear like waypoints, and I'm not sure you can have multiple waypoints at once. How would you do this?

2) After the target trucks have all been destroyed there should be a waypoint out of town to an open field where a helicopter comes to pick you up. I know how to make the chopper come in but is there any way to make the pick up a lot easier without the helicopter flying around too much?

3) I was thinking about making an outro for it. I was thinking of this: as soon as you enter the chopper it fades to a camera up above showing the chopper or something and then it just shows it take off and fly off and fade out, and the mission ends. I don't know how to work intros/outros, are there any good tutorials on these?

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I use task markers from the briefing as shown in this thread http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=73424 to mark objectives

Not sure if this will be any good to you but for accurate helo landing I would use mando's heliroute available here http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=6959

intro's and outro's are not my thing so can't help you with that

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