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Waypoint / helicoptor eject combo question

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Scenerio:  at the beginning of the level, a waypoint tells me to get into a helicoptor (I'll call it 1 for future reference).  I get in, and the next waypoint (2) tells me to go to a certain spot far away.  But between me and the waypoint is a shilka.  I want to make it so that even if I don't get to waypoint 2, it'll go to three once I eject or land or something.  How could I do that?

Also, I can't seem to get my leader to tell me and my teammates to eject.  I used that code on www.3dactionplanet.com/flashpoint/tutorial5/tutorial5.html

_aunits = units L1

_i = 0

_Max = count _aunits


(_aunits select _i) action ["EJECT",helo1]

unassignvehicle (_aunits select _i)



?_Max>_i:goto "Here"


(of course I changed the names and stuff)

In a trigger I wrote

[condition] getdammage helicoptor >.01

[on activation] leader exec "script.sqs"

and it still won't work.  He'll only tell them to eject when the heli is destroyed.

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