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Commanding AI squads?

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Hi, i just purchased this game recently. I'm having a rediculous amount of time taking advantage of the command system whether i'm leading a squad or an army. I've been practicing for days in single player warfare, but i haven't been able to do much more than just command danger mode and move.

Is there any like specific guide, or set of hints/tips where I can pick up some better effiency on commanding?

Also in particular, could I can explanation on how to use Anti Tank Infantry?

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I really apreciate the response, But i've already watched and seen both vids and rotkeps guide.

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I tend to use the following:

Space, 3, 5 - tell everyone to fire at will

Space, 7, 3 - tell everyone to be aware

When I hit combat: "Space, 7, 2" - tell everyone there's danger and they go into combat mode, using cover and providing cover for movement. After the engagement is over I then use "Space, 7, 3" again to tell everyone to be "aware"

Something also useful is to use the F1-12 keys to select an individual unit, then "Space, 2" and a number to give them a target. I allocate targets to my units and they'll usually do a good job of dealing with them. When the engagement starts sprawling a bit I use Space, Regroup to get everyone back in formation.

For AT, select the unit using the corresponding F key, and then tell them to engage the target "space, 2, [target number]"

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I tend to use the following:


Something also useful is to use the F1-12 keys to select an individual unit, then "Space, 2" and a number to give them a target. ...

For AT, select the unit using the corresponding F key, and then tell them to engage the target "space, 2, [target number]"

You don't need the space key for that, e.g. F2, 2, x will assign target x for soldier 2.

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i suggest you go to editor aswell, to just free roam, for practise. No enemies around.

You can easily create a free roaming commander mode.

Just go to editor create yourself as an officer or a commander(make sure when you pick what unit , you are a high ranked luitenenant or something and ALL other units, troops or groups under you control are lower rank than YOU).

Then :> go to groups and select a few tank groups and infantry groups. Then go to modules and grab a high command module-commander. and sync the module WITH youself. Then push preview. Once in the preview in-game you just push Ctrl+space bar to bring up your commander options. Then play around with the F1,F2 keys etc till you hearts content. I would also recommend doing this even if you just want to learn basic A1 troop directing aswell. Its fun and your can learn heaps just by telling your troops what to do in an open , no enemy environment.

Edited by nyran125

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