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Tunguska issue

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I'm making a map where an infantry squad has to destroy 3 Tunguskas, then paint a target for an AV8 LGB. The problem I have is that the Tunguskas aren't targeting the AV8 (either version). The map loses its cooperative nature if the plane can come in and just bomb everything. Anyone else had this problem? Is there some kind of script I can put in to make the Tunguskas specifically target my AV8?

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I did some tests and it looks like Tunguskas are shooting at AV8 with their cannon, not rockets. When I took control of the Tunguska and fired a rocket at AV8, it insta-killed it.

So the solution would be to remove ammo to the cannon. But I do not know they name of cannon ammo so you have to find it somewhere I guess.

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Tunguska's weapons are:

[u]Name[/u]      [u]Weapon Class[/u]    [u]Magazine Class[/u]         [u]Ammo Class[/u]
Cannons:  [b]2A38M [/b]          [b]1904Rnd_30mmAA_2A38M[/b]   B_30mm_HE

Rockets:  [b]9M311Laucher [/b]   [b]8Rnd_9M311[/b]             M_9M311_AA

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