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Vbldamage replacement vehicle destroyed

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Hi ;)

This is my first post on this forum, I would ask you to be indulgent on my translation, I try to do better... :rolleyes:

I would replace my model in good condition, by IG destroyed model.

(as are the helicopters in Arma2)

In looking around I discovered that these helicopters had this command that I adapted to my template:


Apparently it does not, the command may not be assigned to vehicle ground.

Against by adding:

class eventhandlers


killed = "[_this select 0,_this select 1] exec ""\vbl\scripts\carwreck.sqs""";


and the following script:

_vbl = _this select 0

_killer = _this select 1

?(_vbl isKindOf "VBLdamage"):goto "wait"



?((getpos _vbl select 2) < 2): goto "makewreck"

goto "wait"


_vblpos = getpos _vbl

_vbldir = (getdir _vbl) + 180

_vbl setpos [0,0,0]


_wreck = "VBLdamage" createvehicle [(_vblpos select 0),(_vblpos select 1),0]

_wreck setdir _vbldir

_wreck setpos getpos _wreck

deletevehicle _vbl


It works a little better...I say "a little" since being tested on 2 different computers and configs, there is a freezing of screen about one second, 1st at the destruction (1st call of the script).

Then there is no problem.

The questions are:

Anyone knows the command (in Arma2) that he would avoid going through a script?


How can I make this script is residing with my template to avoid the load time?

Regards ;)


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Yes it doesn't work on land vehicles because the helicopters/planes use a script to make their smoke trails and create the craters on the ground when they crash. it also calls the right damage model. The first thing you could do is get rid of the ancient sqs format and switch to sqf which is used in arma2. To start, lets solve the problem of the script loading delay.

1. make a new file in your vehicle's folder called startup.sqf.

2. add this code to startup.sqf:

if(isNil 'MY_Destruction_Effects_Init') then
MY_Destruction_Effects_EH_Killed=compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "\vbl\scripts\carwreck.sqf";

3. Under your eventhandler section, add

	init = "_any = _this execVM ""\vbl\scripts\startup.sqf""";

4. set what damage model you want the vehicle to use. add:


to your vehicles cfgvehicles section.

5. Now set up the script to run under sqf format. carwreck.sqf:

_v = _this select 0;
_wreckmodel = GetText (configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> (typeof _v) >> "wreck");
if (_wreck!="") then 
_vpos = getpos _v;
_vdir = vectordir _v;
_vup = vectorup _v;
deletevehicle _v;
_wreck = (_wreckmodel) createvehicle _vpos;
_wreck setpos _vpos;
_wreck setvectordirandup [_vdir,_vup];

6. add the killed eventhandler:

killed = "_this select 0 setVehicleInit ""[this] spawn MY_Destruction_Effects_EH_Killed"";processInitCommands";

completely untested, but it should work!



just a thought, the delay is probably from the damage model having errors on it, plus being uncompressed. binerizing the model would solve this.

Edited by Sakura_Chan

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Thank you for your reply ;)

I tested and I have a problem...

The damage model does not load, in place, the vbl back on suspensions. :confused:





startup.sqf and carwreck.sqf are in /vbl/scripts

Here is a part of my cfgvehicles:

class CfgVehicles


class Land; // External class reference

class LandVehicle : Land


class NewTurret; // External class reference

// class ViewPilot; // External class reference

class Sounds; // External class reference

class AnimationSources;

class DestructionEffects;


class Car : LandVehicle


class Sounds : Sounds


class Engine; // External class reference

class Movement; // External class reference


insideSoundCoef = 0.9;

class HitPoints


class HitRGlass


armor = 0.3;

material = -1;

name = "sklo predni P";

passThrough = 0;


class HitLGlass


armor = 0.3;

material = -1;

name = "sklo predni L";

passThrough = 0;


class HitGlass1


armor = 0.1;

material = -1;

name = "glass1";

visual = "glass1";

passThrough = 0;


class HitGlass2


armor = 0.1;

material = -1;

name = "glass2";

visual = "glass2";

passThrough = 0;


class HitGlass3


armor = 0.1;

material = -1;

name = "glass3";

visual = "glass3";

passThrough = 0;


class HitGlass4


armor = 0.1;

material = -1;

name = "glass4";

visual = "glass4";

passThrough = 0;


class HitBody


armor = 1;

material = -1;

name = "karoserie";

visual = "";

passThrough = 1;


class HitFuel


armor = 0.3;

material = -1;

name = "palivo";

visual = "";

passThrough = 0;


class HitLFWheel


armor = 0.15;

material = -1;

name = "wheel_1_1_steering";

visual = "";

passThrough = 0.3;


class HitLBWheel


armor = 0.15;

material = -1;

name = "wheel_1_2_steering";

visual = "";

passThrough = 0.3;


class HitLMWheel


armor = 0.15;

material = -1;

name = "wheel_1_3_steering";

visual = "";

passThrough = 0.3;


class HitLF2Wheel


armor = 0.15;

material = -1;

name = "wheel_1_4_steering";

visual = "";

passThrough = 0.3;


class HitRFWheel


armor = 0.15;

material = -1;

name = "wheel_2_1_steering";

visual = "";

passThrough = 0.3;


class HitRBWheel


armor = 0.15;

material = -1;

name = "wheel_2_2_steering";

visual = "";

passThrough = 0.3;


class HitRMWheel


armor = 0.15;

material = -1;

name = "wheel_2_3_steering";

visual = "";

passThrough = 0.3;


class HitRF2Wheel


armor = 0.15;

material = -1;

name = "wheel_2_4_steering";

visual = "";

passThrough = 0.3;


class HitEngine


armor = 0.4;

material = -1;

name = "motor";

visual = "";

passThrough = 0.2;



secondaryExplosion = 0;

dammageHalf[] = {};

dammageFull[] = {};

getInAction = "GetInLow";

getOutAction = "GetOutLow";

cargoGetInAction[] = {"GetInLow"};

cargoGetOutAction[] = {"GetOutLow"};

weapons[] = {"CarHorn"};

gunnerHasFlares = 0;

class eventhandlers


init = "_any = _this execVM ""\vbl\scripts\startup.sqf""";


soundEnviron[] = {"", 0.000562341, 1.0};

soundCrash[] = {"\ca\wheeled\Data\Sound\crash2", 1.0, 1};

extCameraPosition[] = {0.5, 2, -10};

soundGear[] = {"", 1e-005, 1};

supplyRadius = 1.2;

driverAction = "ManActShipDriver";

cargoAction[] = {"ManActTestDriver"};

hideUnitInfo = 0;

castDriverShadow = 0;

castCargoShadow = 0;

class AnimationSources


class HitLFWheel


source = "Hit";

hitpoint = "HitLFWheel";

raw = 1;


class HitRFWheel : HitLFWheel {

hitpoint = "HitRFWheel";


class HitLBWheel : HitLFWheel {

hitpoint = "HitLBWheel";


class HitRBWheel : HitLFWheel {

hitpoint = "HitRBWheel";


class HitLF2Wheel : HitLFWheel {

hitpoint = "HitLF2Wheel";


class HitRF2Wheel : HitLFWheel {

hitpoint = "HitRF2Wheel";


class HitLMWheel : HitLFWheel {

hitpoint = "HitLMWheel";


class HitRMWheel : HitLFWheel {

hitpoint = "HitRMWheel";


class HitGlass1 {

source = "Hit";

hitpoint = "HitGlass1";

raw = 1;


class HitGlass2 : HitGlass1 {

hitpoint = "HitGlass2";


class HitGlass3 : HitGlass1 {

hitpoint = "HitGlass3";


class HitGlass4 : HitGlass1 {

hitpoint = "HitGlass4";




class Landrover: Car {};

class VBL: Landrover


scope = 2;

accuracy = 0.3;

side = 2;

faction = "FR";

wheelCircumference = 2.834;

Model = "\VBL\VBL";

Picture = "\Ca\wheeled\data\ico\HMMWV50_CA.paa";

Icon = "\Ca\wheeled\data\map_ico\icomap_hmwv50_CA.paa";

mapSize = 5;

displayName = VBL;

vehicleClass = "Vehicule_Fr";

crew = "USMC_Soldier";

typicalCargo[] = {"USMC_Soldier", "USMC_Soldier", "USMC_Soldier_AT", "USMC_Soldier_Officer"};

damperSize = 0.2;

damperForce = 1;

damperDamping = 1;

armor = 50;

damageResistance = 0.00562;

terrainCoef = 2.2;

enableGPS = 1;

type = 1;

cost = 100000;

armorGlass = 0.5;

armorWheels = 0.1;

// soundServo[] = {"\Ca\sounds\Vehicles\Servos\turret-1", 0.01, 1.0, 10};

soundEnviron[] = {"", 0.562341, 1};

transportSoldier = 3;


// destrType = "DestructWreck";

maxspeed = 105;

acceleration = 80;

animated = false;

fuelCapacity = 200;



hasGunner = 0;

class Turrets {};

hascommander = false;

memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver";

memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos driver dir";

memoryPointsGetInCargo = "pos cargo";

memoryPointsGetInCargoDir = "pos cargo dir";

selectionBrakeLights = "brzdove svetlo";

selectionBackLights = "zadni svetlo";

selectionDashboard = "podsvit pristroju";

class Exhausts


class Exhaust1


position = "vyfuk start";

direction = "vyfuk konec";

effect = "ExhaustsEffect";



class eventhandlers


killed = "_this select 0 setVehicleInit ""[this] spawn MY_Destruction_Effects_EH_Killed"";processInitCommands";


I tested with my first script (in sqf), the result is the same.

Thank you again for your interest.. ;)

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Yes it doesn't work on land vehicles because the helicopters/planes use a script to make their smoke trails and create the craters on the ground when they crash. it also calls the right damage model.

Not exactly. The wreck is not called by the script, it's handled by the engine.

It's done by a new LOD in the model as far as I know.

Here is a thread about it, but no definitive answer.

Edited by Maddmatt

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Yes I discovered that recently, I disabled the plane crash effects and the damage model still appeared.

to the op= does it say processInitComm ands or processInitCommands at the end?

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Jaac I noticed that the stock A2 hummers do the same thing.

When the tyres are destroyed the vehicle sits lower but as soon as the vehicle is fully destroyed and on fire it seems to raise up on it's suspension.

So it's not just yours mate.

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Thanks for the precision ;) I reassured.

Well, it does not help my problem...

after multiple tries, I think the script "startup.sqf" does not work.

might need to be change this. but I do not know how to it.

also, I tried the lod wreck with "destrType = "DestructWreck";" but without results :butbut:

to be continued...

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