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Is there a way to delete a "mine"?

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If I would have my mines in any arry I would try to find them in and to delete or at least to meve them away...

But the problem is that mines and similar dows not activate any trigger I know...

I tried also to group together a trigger and a mine,

(as I did to get a trigger activated by a static house) but that trigger is not yet activated by anyone!

My problem is to remove mine placed by players...

If there isn't any way to solve this please Suma,

would you mind to implement some commands that research all game objects (I don't know what kind of container do you use for games object, does the language you use for OPF is C/C++?)  and returns Array whit all the object that respond to specific condition?

When you use "thislist" in a trigger or "list Triggername" anywhere I suppose the game search all the units (of te same side of  the activationBy field, any unit (but not weapons sad.gif ) which are whitin the coordinates of the trigger....

Is such different to make a

    list "type"

command that return all units of that type or a

    list "condition" (ex.  list "side _x == civilian")

that return an array with all _x for wich condition is true....?

or maybe something similar... which would be easy to implement!

Remember the problem of getting weapons object!!!

Thank you all and thank you Suma if you take care od these words!

(if you prefer you can send me the code and I can try to add these commands... dehehihohoh!  biggrin.gif )



[email protected]

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why nobody ever answer to my questions?confused.gif?


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too specific question?

or do my English is good as was good the one spoken by E.T.?confused.gif???


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