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Post bugs introduced by v1.03

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Hopefully this will be a sticky. Please keep this clean so the devs can rectify the problems.

What this thread is for: Bugs specifically introduced by the 1.03 patch.

What this thread is not for: Requests, wishes, bugs not introduced by 1.03, complaints and whining. If you are unsure if the bug was introduced in version 1.03, do not post. If you do not have a relevant bug to add or correction to make, please do not post.

  1. Audio engine problems (crackling, popping, distortion) (Mod said it has been rectified and will be in next patch)
  2. Smoke grenades no longer work properly, the grenade disappears immediately on hitting the ground. http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/3430
  3. Missing dialog resources for MP roster screen (steam only) http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/3432 user made hotfix ->(files needed)
    Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/RscDisplayMultiplayerSetup/controls/CA_B_West.sideToggle'.
    Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/RscDisplayMultiplayerSetup/controls/CA_B_East.sideToggle'.
    Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/RscDisplayMultiplayerSetup/controls/CA_B_Guerrila.sideToggle'.
    Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/RscDisplayMultiplayerSetup/controls/CA_B_Civilian.sideToggle'.
  4. Arty Module Broken: MLRS and Grad targeting do not work anymore http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/3685
  5. Missing some map icons 'No entry bin\config.bin/RscTitles/RscArtyMap/Task.IconCreated' also in http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/3685
  6. XML errors in server.rpt http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/3474
  7. Campaign mission has immortal man Prizrak/Fydor http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/3419
  8. Streaming causing studdering http://dev-heaven.net/issues/show/3421

Please send more, in the mean time I'll try to find a copy of 1.02 and do a diff for specific files that have gone missing.:( Relevant portions of arma2.rpt concerning missing files from the stock game may be helpful. (not from custom missions though)

Mods: If this thread is redundant, please close it. I did not see another one, and the feedback threads are much too long for the devs to read. (as stated by a dev)


Edited by oktane
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I randomly get this error since 1.03-

"cannot load mipmap


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I randomly get this error since 1.03-

"cannot load mipmap


That file exists in the structures.pbo, you might try to reinstall the game. Unless there is another report of it I would guess that it is somehow on your end.


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