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Change a respawn spot

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I have a long mission in the making and I want to change the repawn sight after a certain point has been reached. Is thier a script or something else I can use? Thanx for any help offered.

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If I understood correctly you have respawn markers done and want to reposition them in certain point in game. Make a trigger that activates when you want to change respawn positions and write in activation field:

"Respawn_West" setMarkerPos position;

"Respawn_East" setMarkerPos position

Replace those positions with position arrays or get positions with other markers' positions (getMarkerPos "...").

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How can I find the position field of the new Respawn _west? Could you give me another sample? After the west capture the enemy base I want them to start respawning from thier insted of the respawn spot they started with. Thanx!

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