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Radio commands

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ill start of with and ex:im flying the hind(any chopper,tank seem to have this)and i spot a vulcan,now if there is radiochatter going on,say my gunner says "enemy spotted"and continues to report in contacts.And while i try to tell my gunner to target the vulcan and shoot at it he dosent apply before he is done chatting......witch in some cases meeting a zsu or a vulcan can prove fatal as he is to slow!!!!

Now the real world(yeah i know that takes the fun out of it;) )

in the real world you can chat internally while the external radio talks all it wants as its on 2 different channels.Ex:the pilot and gunner can have a romantic evening going on inside the pilothouse on the radio;) while the entire world is yapping on the radio channel,but the gunner and pilot can still get quick command from eachother.

hmm think that covers it.

Anyways this is a game engine thing,i think.So im asking is there a way to fix this with a patch or simmilar????umm yeah im asking the game engine programmers


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I totally agree, I have been killed many times because of having to wait for incomming messages to finish before my fire command is sent. I also hate when I taret a vehicle and before I can click to fire one of my boys decides to tell me about the tank I just told him to target. confused.gif

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yea that would be nice, but till then put it on manual fire

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still waiting for that yes or no....... sad.gif

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ok i get the point...nobody listens or they dont check this forum...ohwell i supose i just have to live with it..

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