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addKill - is there any way to handle the kills for MP?

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When I destroy a unit/vehicle with setDamage 1 the kill is not credited to the last shooter who hit the unit/vehicle. I would like to handle this by script though - is there a way to modify not only the score (by addScore) but also the kills (there SHOULD be something like addKill...)

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No such command exists.

However, rather than "addKill", I like the idea of adding damage inflicted by a specific unit.

Ex: player dealDamage [poorBastard,1]

I'll make a feature request. Usually new commands are rare in patches, but never hurts to throw the requests out there... (bugging Suma via PM might help, though it will probably piss him off lol).

Edited by Big Dawg KS

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yeah, this would be even better :)

adding a killed-handler script for a certain unit will enable us to check which shooter did the most damage and award him accordingly. in combination with addscore this would make lots of sense ...

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Ha - I saw the dealDamage ticket on dev-heaven and voted for it whilst thinking that actually what was needed was an 'addKill' command. Then I saw this :-) The benefit of a matching 'addkill/getkill' pair would be that one could create scoring systems where players simply aren't able to 'play for frags'. dealdamage goes some way towards this - you can effectively to 'addkill -1' by dealing damage on a friendly AI but I think both sets of commands are useful. Anyway, I will raise a ticket...

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